The Shiny Cage
by uoz
The Shiny Cage by uoz
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raspatan Rep. 4650
#3   12 Nov 2020
hey, very very fun map this one. Tense action in a 1vs1! The connectivity is great and item balance is superb. I thought the Teleport rune would detract from it but actually is quite cool. The low level of health available makes it for a very strategic gameplay. Brushes are quite simple but the gameplay completely overtakes everything in this map. I love the detail of the holes to drop to the health. Weapons are few but more than enough! A keeper!
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Number 6 unregistered
#2   17 Oct 2000
I downloaded this a while ago from some other site. While I honestly was not all that thrilled by the look of the level, I thought the game play was pretty good. 1 on 1 matches can get all strategic without getting too slow.
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Excelsiore unregistered
#1   14 Oct 2000
Nice lights and suitable textures. The jumpad trio seems a little odd but works well and the red armor should be yellow instead. My biggest gripe was that the map seemed so big, not sizewise but in the roominess department. The corridors should be 64 units less when it comes to width and height. Otherwise a nice effort that's good for a quick frag.
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