DeathMatch [bbB]
DeathMatch [bbB] by Bomerlunder
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KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. 2402
#17   07 Oct 2013
Check out this demo -> It requires the hunt mod to watch it though, but its funny.
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Guitar Man unregistered
#16   19 Dec 2000
Great! The bots push the buttons, maybe because I have the 1.27 point release. Load the map, add some nightmare bots, go yourself as spectator... and bring a towel to clean the blood from your screen! :-)
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Rat Mal unregistered
#15   08 Nov 2000
Kann des sein dass du irgendwie der einzige bist der hier Kommentare verfasst?! ;-)
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Bomerlunder unregistered
#14   06 Nov 2000
Yeeehaaa 500!!! Now I'm happy :-D
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Bomerlunder unregistered
#13   21 Oct 2000
Hab isch doch gsaaht du Depp! ;-) Well, those of you who can't speak german shouldn't worry about understanding the first sentence :-D
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Sixpack unregistered
#12   20 Oct 2000
Hey Big B. After setting sv_pure 0 your maps are running without any problems!
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Bomerlunder unregistered
#11   17 Oct 2000
Hey guys, please rank my level after you downloaded it!
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Bomerlunder unregistered
#10   17 Oct 2000
Hyho WarMachine, I'm from Germany, and as a advice, don't worry about these q3tools, they are hard to learn, but after you learned it, everything is easy to do.

@GONNAKILLYA Well, I know you can't play the map longer than 10 minutes, not only because you need an high end PC because of the mass of entities. Just because the traps will get on your nerves ;-) But I wanted to build a map that was never seen before, and I think I did it!!!

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WarMachine unregistered
#9   16 Oct 2000
hay bomerlunder i got your name right, my level it may be some time not even half done, and a lot of fixing up to do im still getting used to q3 tools i may even scrap this one and maybe try a tourney map or somthing, btw bomerluder were ya from im from australia, o and your new map interesting it plays fine on my geforce2 gts bot are funny, anyway mate sya round have fun happy fraggen....War :)
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GONNAKILLYA! unregistered
#8   16 Oct 2000
I must say I chuckled quite a bit when flipping a switch! I never knew what was gonna happen and I was constantly looking around trying to avoid being squished or cooked in lava or shredded by grenades.

Har, har! What an insidious map!

Gameplay was kinda lacking but from the readme file, I take it that wasn't really the intention anyway.

One glitch...the map was very laggy, I was getting around 24 FPS while in the map by myself. (TNT2 32 MB)

Fun way to piss off yer enemies!

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Bomerlunder unregistered
#7   16 Oct 2000
WoW!!! 200 downloads after 2 days, better than my first map, next time I will beat this personal record.

@Warmachine Hey when you level is finsihed feel free to send it to me!

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Bomerlunder unregistered
#6   16 Oct 2000
Hehe, WarMachine, BTW, It' Bomerlunder NOT BomBerlunder!!! Okay? ;-)
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WarMachine unregistered
#5   16 Oct 2000
hi there bomberlunder what have ya been up to ather than making maps im in the proses of making a map myself bloody q3radiant lol im getting there....see around...War
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Bomerlunder unregistered
#4   16 Oct 2000

You're right, it is absolutely random which weapon will be spawned and which trap is going to kill you ;-). Well, I deleted the health and armor, because I thought I was more fun without it, so I gave every player a red armor to start with to compensate that. THX for your comment.

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Niptlar unregistered
#3   15 Oct 2000
All of the buttons seem to perform random actions. It would have been nice if there were some health and armor items.
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Bomerlunder unregistered
#2   15 Oct 2000
Well, please comment and vote on my map, I need some feedback. BTW visit
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Bomerlunder unregistered
#1   14 Oct 2000
As the reviewer said, DON'T PLAY IT WITH BOTS!!! They don't push the buttons and so my whole concept is senseless! In the new point releases there will be a better bot-ai so that they push the buttons, but till then you'll have to play it against your friends/foes.
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