Ziggurat Vertigo
Ziggurat Vertigo by Jamnbam
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KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. 2402
#15   05 Jul 2011
Try this with Generations Arena and play as the Slipgaters. Its just like old times.
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Hooyaah Rep. 607
#14   05 Mar 2010
If you liked this map in Quake you will most likely enjoy this offering. It is, IMO, worth the download.
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jake unregistered
#13   30 Sep 2000
i've been looking for this for a while...kudos
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Wolfgang unregistered
#12   12 May 2000
Scampie's a 'tard, I've been wanting this map for Quake 3
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Acid unregistered
#11   22 Apr 2000
i love the vertigo level in q1, it takes more skill to aim while people are floating all around you, and i was happy when i seen it for q3, i also wish some one would make a dm3 from q1 for q3
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Steinecke unregistered
#10   07 Apr 2000
Functioning. I like it.
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SILVER[ICE] unregistered
#9   26 Mar 2000
It runs permanently over 30 FPS on my celeron 433. It's that fastest map I've ever seen.
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Dutch unregistered
#8   25 Mar 2000
The textures are ok by me and it was fun to boot! Nice work Jamnbam. Reality, I do agree Q3Q1dm4 is a solid remake.
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Reality unregistered
#7   26 Feb 2000
I thought it was an ok map but the textures could have been better and I love playing converted maps from Quake 1 and 2.Also why dont u download Q3Q1DM4 from file planet You'll like the layout :-)
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Glegg unregistered
#6   18 Feb 2000
Ahhhh! The best map in quake 1!
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FiltEr unregistered
#5   05 Feb 2000
oh yea good job Jamnbam good map i had fun playin it... :)
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RedFive unregistered
#4   05 Feb 2000
Maybe I was a bit fast in writing my first comment. Curiosity bit me and I dloaded it. And it ROCKS !!! I love all those RGs lying around; can you say Skeet shooting? Anyways, sorry if my first comment was hard on the originality thing, Jamnbam, and keep up the good work !!!
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eXecutiOner unregistered
#3   04 Feb 2000
I am a big fan of all of the old school quake 1 and 2 dm levels. there are many of them that are much better than any of the levels in q3a. this was one of my favorite levels in the original quake, both single and multiplayer. the conversion was perfect. right down to the hidden secret area under the lava. The q3a weapons make the level specially fun

good job!

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Morbid[CD] unregistered
#2   01 Feb 2000
Kewl Level, takes at least five Bong to hits to really start laying the Smack down.
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RedFive unregistered
#1   30 Jan 2000
As much as I love Ziggurat, I have to agree with you Scampie. Now I KNOW I have to dload Q3Tools !!!
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