Majesty by Ned Man
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FragTastic Rep. 2351
#49   07 Jan 2012
Kind of reminds me of Twilight Castle from MKW
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RedOne Rep. 97
#48   14 Aug 2010
Good style, unique. But i didnt liked it, in all the map the gameplay is the same, using surprise attacks to kill the enemy or being killed. Also i ddint liked the jump pads, you cant know where they are going to end, they just dont make sense.
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Bango Skank unregistered
#47   01 Nov 2007
Been one of my personal favourites for years. I always show friends after I show them my piddly attempts at boxed 'training room' maps (designed to work on ooolllddd systems but enough about me). Love to escape from the world, turn frag limits off, fill it with bots and get my frag on.
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sharque unregistered
#46   28 Mar 2002
This is probably the best map ive played quake on since DM6 in quake1. Its perfect
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Heffer unregistered
#45   27 Oct 2001
passt scho
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BBRDuldey unregistered
#44   09 Mar 2001
This map is the best downloaded map that I ever player on Q3A. Bots are good but there's nothing more fraggin' than playing this map on multi-player game like 4 or 5 player. This map is also good for campers. Take the jetpack & get to the top of the tower and shoot everybody in the head with the railgun. Real fun :-) Good job Ned Man. 9/10
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Razorbill unregistered
#43   02 Nov 2000
I just wanted to say that this is my favourite map alongside of klcurves. Majesty is not really beautiful but....majestic.
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BigFreakinGun unregistered
#42   22 Sep 2000
Check my equipment. Its fine. It can run any map on this site that ive tried, basically all the top ten (more like top 50) and they all work except this one.
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BigFreakinGun unregistered
#41   22 Sep 2000
Check my equipment. Its fine. It can run any map on this site that ive tried, basically all the top ten (more like top 50) and they all work except this one.
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RRROOOAAARRR unregistered
#40   08 Aug 2000
Load up on guns, kill your bots... I put the Tier 6 bots into this and it was some serious fun. Fast and atmospheric, but you'll need to play it in a darkened room or you won't be able to see shit! Which would be a shame, since this map actually looks very nice. A worthy addition to your collection.


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gorilla unregistered
#39   01 Aug 2000
I've played it over and over. Bots work well. Best with 4 players. Fast, very fast.
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The Dead Guy unregistered
#38   25 Jul 2000
I thought this map was cool at first but it quickly lost it's appeal after the gimmick of a gothic space map wore off. The layout isn't anything spectacular and the lighting could have been much better (although the lighting is just a minor nitpick, gameplay is what matters). After playing it with some real peeps for quite a while, it just doesn't give me that "special" feeling anymore.

Ok for a 3 to 4 player FFA but most definitely not a Top Ten tourney map (and this is in the tourney section as I read it, I haven't looked at the DM top ten in a while). When it comes to 1 on 1 play, there are far better maps out there (Tig's Den, Lost Forever and Addiction come to mind).

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Rosebud unregistered
#37   10 Jul 2000
This map is totally ok. Check your equipment before placing such a comment! In my opinion, this is the very best custom space-map out there by now! Tasteful look, great layout, great botplay. And a watch is included, too!
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BigFreakinGun unregistered
#36   06 Jul 2000
Why doesnt this damn map work!!!
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Whatmustbesaid unregistered
#35   22 Jun 2000
Do you copy and paste your comments. Nothing above average! Ok layout is unusual for spacemaps, but more than 6 and your totaly under drugs.
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Caldaar The Barbarian unregistered
#34   20 Jun 2000
We like to overload this map with people and play teams with the weapon respawn rate hiked up. It's a bloody mess. Excellent balance and flow.
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BigFrickinGun unregistered
#33   12 Jun 2000
Well hyrax, your not alone. I have the same problem. It gets to awaiting connection...1 Then the game just stops and i have to turn the computer off then on again. Why the HELL doesnt it work? My computer is by no means slow and every other map works no problem. Is the file screwed up or something (i got it from ftp.cdrom) My sv_pure is set to "0" like it always is so thats not the problem. I hear its good so i want to play it. For now -> recycle bin. Its a waste of memory if it doesnt work.
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BigFrickinGun unregistered
#32   12 Jun 2000
Well hyrax, your not alone. I have the same problem. It gets to awaiting connection...1 Then the game just stops and i have to turn the computer off then on again. Why the HELL doesnt it work? My computer is by no means slow and every other map works no problem. Is it because this map for some weird reason doesnt run with skirmish arena mod or something? Or is the file screwed up (i got it from ftp.cdrom) I hear its good so i want to play it. For now -> recycle bin.
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Lobo unregistered
#31   10 Jun 2000
Great map!!!
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M17SUKA1 unregistered
#30   09 Jun 2000
W00T! This map is fine! Gothic+Void makes a good combo, Ithink i'll try a Gothic+combo!

gave it an 8


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Steinecke unregistered
#29   09 Jun 2000
It's rare, to see bots act as fine, as they do on 'majesty'! Botplay on this map is perfect.

Downloading this map is a must for everyone only slightly interested in botplay.

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SiCdeth unregistered
#28   07 Jun 2000
hey hirax... youre problem might be that u dont have the latest point release(s) if not i suggest getting them as sson as possible, if not, then i dont know what to tell ya.
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Steinecke unregistered
#27   07 Jun 2000
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Tyre unregistered
#26   07 Jun 2000
Definitely a fine map; it works in every respect. One of the few maps I've seen where really dark lighting actually works (it usually just irritates). You don't want to be using a model/skin with light/glowing bits for sure!
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d3f3nd3r unregistered
#25   07 Jun 2000
This level rocks.. it's perfect for tourney play or small FFA's. The layout provides for fighting that's always fun, and there are no campable spots on the map. sweet.
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Ned Man unregistered
#24   06 Jun 2000
Thanx guys :)

Hyrax, I haven't heard from anybody saying they've had problems with Majesty. There shouldn't be anything about the pk3 that would cause problems.

If your still having troubles with the map, drop me an E-mail and I'll see if I help ya get it working.

Also, If anybody is interested, I have a short write-up on my site where I talk about where and how the idea of Majesty came to me, and a little about it's development :)

You can check it out here...

Ned Man

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Quazi unregistered
#23   06 Jun 2000
This map reminds me of Doom2 levels 12 and 15 for some reason.. I absolutely love it! Ned Man, keep making maps with a similar style, and you might find yourself getting paid to do this!


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WaTcH3R unregistered
#22   06 Jun 2000
Awesome map... I HATE space maps, but this one rocks! sweet camping spots, great textures, great gameplay, wonderful layout... I rate it a 10! (If it had more secrets it would be even better!)
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Sundown unregistered
#21   06 Jun 2000
Variety of killing opportunities here, smooth flow, and tasty design. Ned Man, ya did good!
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Steinecke unregistered
#20   06 Jun 2000
Great map!

Bots do very fine!

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Clyde3d unregistered
#19   05 Jun 2000
Hmmm Go into your baseq3 folder and open the q3config. Type seta sv_pure "0". Maybe that will do it. Good luck.
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hyrax unregistered
#18   05 Jun 2000
Anyone else have the problem of crashing when trying to play this? I try it on skirmish and it just blows to shit. It says awaiting connection, goes to 1 and stops. My system dies. I am in no way on a crappy box either. It's a P3 450mhz, 128 megs ram, 32meg GFX Card.
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Clyde3d unregistered
#17   04 Jun 2000
Hey Bad Man it seems we have something in comon. I am the team rookie my friend.
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a Bad Man unregistered
#16   04 Jun 2000
I really like the fast-paced play on the map. I've beta tested every one of Ned's maps, and this one is my favorite. I may be a little biased though...I did the 13 hour clock face texture for the map ;)
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Deadstar unregistered
#15   04 Jun 2000
I've been playing this one for about 2 weeks now and love it. Lanned it on saturday running pro-mode and it was great fun.

Bottom line, this map is FUN! Get it.

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Clyde3d unregistered
#14   04 Jun 2000
Hey I hate space maps , but this is great! This man has talent and I sure we will all see even greater things from him in the future. Go Ned!
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Spider unregistered
#13   04 Jun 2000
Cool map, Just downloaded like 15 maps the other day and this is my favorite out of all of them, (9)
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Wiz unregistered
#12   04 Jun 2000
Definately a 9. Excellently crafted.
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dasc unregistered
#11   04 Jun 2000
Original space map, but too damn dark! (7)
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RedFive unregistered
#10   04 Jun 2000
I'm not usually a space-map guy, but I'll make an exception here. This map is WAY cool !!! 9.
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Steinecke unregistered
#9   04 Jun 2000
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KGB agent unregistered
#8   04 Jun 2000
Very nice, definately deserves a 10
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magatsu unregistered
#7   04 Jun 2000
the clock tower is great and so is gameplay. has very nice lighting effects (9)
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snickelfritz unregistered
#6   04 Jun 2000
I got carried away; it deserves a solid 9, although I could not find any errors or problems with gameplay at all.

Space maps with r_speeds as good as this one are few and far between.

I guess for a map to truly deserve a 10, it would have to use exclusively original custom textures.

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RAWBEEFSKiN unregistered
#5   04 Jun 2000
this map is nice

not quite a 10 though

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(o Y o) unregistered
#4   04 Jun 2000
these days, it seems like people hand out 10's like they're at a strip joint. 10's are for perfect maps, covering visuals, sounds, and (most importantly) gameplay
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RiO unregistered
#3   04 Jun 2000
Lovely map, made well with a great idea. It's nice to see a map that breaks the map both with Gothic and Space, done well.

Congratulations, Ned: I have to agree with snickelfritz, "It's a 10".

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snickelfritz unregistered
#2   04 Jun 2000
beautiful workmanship.

I don't see how it could be improved.

It's a 10

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Haccess unregistered
#1   03 Jun 2000
Very interesting map, a good change of pace for the stereotypical "space/jump-pad" style... pleasing texture selection as well (not gray!). One problem I have with it would be the use of quad, but that's just a personal thing :)
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