Arrakeen Gamma
Arrakeen Gamma by Smack2[SiN]
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Smack2[SiN] unregistered
#9   07 May 2000
Hehe - Abbo - realized I screwed that up and fixed it in Arrakeen Gamma 2. If you like the map, check out the revision available at my home page - link down there about post #5 :). I dunno what I was smoking when I wrote up the readme. On the movie - yep, it did no justice to the books, but it's a tantalizing glimpse of what could have been. Excellent casting and set design, costuming, but the editing hacked all the good out of it. Sad, because it could have been great. And the levels really have little to do with Dune - a loose inspiration for the first map, really :). Thanks for checking them out - if you're interested in discussing Herbert, shoot me a note at - I just finished 'The White Plague' again, and realized that he put links to the Dune universe in that book. Very cool ..
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Abbo unregistered
#8   07 May 2000
The map's pretty cool - just a few comments. I'm a serious fan of Frank Herbert, soooo:

  • The Atreides Home-planet is called "Caladan", not "Caliban", who is a character from a play by William Shakespeare.

  • The movie "Dune" did not do the book justice. It had some no-name actors, except for Picard (can't remember his name) and some REALLY cheesy special effects. The only cool thing about it was Sting playing the na-Baron Feyd-Rautha... I would prefer it if you base your levels on the superb book rather than the b-grade movie...

Otherwise all of the maps are fun to play...

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OO7MIKE unregistered
#7   05 May 2000
My fault ..there are 6 points.

I played the old one before the new one to compare. YOu got rit of my favorate part! The long stair case. I hate the winding ones. It was for the better though. The bots play much better and it flowed much better. The bots go everywhere now! I would give the new version a 7/10. Still an average map. Keep making maps Smack2[SiN]!

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OO7MIKE unregistered
#6   05 May 2000
There are only 5 spawning points!! or there was everytime I played the map. They where all in the same area. There are many other rooms in this map and the bots hardly go there. One near a jump pad and rocket and 4 up at the top...faceing each other. Either i was the unlucky person to have to spawn in a place where it looks mostly the same and is hard to find they way out (to the action) or i am right.

I will check out the newer version to see how it plays because i know how frustrating it is when you send in a map and then find so many things to fix afterwards.

The staircase was cool but it didnt play well.

I guess you should make the upper areas hall ways look slightly different. If only by lighting or by a texture. Something to make it say "i know where that door leads at the end of that hall" I couldnt tell till i got to the end.

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Smack2[SiN] unregistered
#5   05 May 2000
Mandog - ;) - j/k.

007MIKE - the revision of the map, unfortunately I guess, takes out the staircase, but has a lot of minor fixes. If you liked this one enough to take a second look, grab the Gamma 2 map from the link below:

The map is designed for 4-8 players - I tried to set the bot load accordingly. With the improved weapon/item setup in the newer version, the bots spend a lot more time running around the map, collecting things like the Quad and MegaHealth that they wouldn't go for on the first version.

BTW, what problem do you have with the spawn points? Are they too far from the action? Or were you having some other issue? Shoot me a note or post back here - I'm always looking for ways to improve :).

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Steinecke unregistered
#4   04 May 2000
Can't understand the rating. I'm giving a 10 instead of a 9, 'cause I'm ashamed of You guys.
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OO7MIKE unregistered
#3   03 May 2000
If i didnt have to look for everyone it would be a bit more fun. The steep stair cases are fun but the spiral ones are anoying when you encounter someone going up. Another ok map but i like this one the best out of the Arrakeen series.

6/10 what can i say the steep staircase with the jumpad and the rail gun was my favorate room. Pitty about the spawning points :(

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Mandog unregistered
#2   03 May 2000
We actualy received these maps on the 23rd March. About 5 weeks ago.
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Smack2[SiN] unregistered
#1   03 May 2000
Just dropping in to let everybody know that in the 3 months since I sent this map off for review ;), I've pulled a semi-major revision of Gamma out of my hat, fixing some issues that you may encounter with the version reviewed here (bot play, item placement, architecture and r_speeds) . It's available at my Quake III pages - . Feel free to email any comments, suggestions, or general abuse to - thanks for your support!
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