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Foo Rep. 408
#4 01 Aug 2023
We got a lil 2v2 going on this a few days ago and managed to record live:
www.youtube.com/watch I've got a few 3v3 and I think even a 4v4 demo from when we were playtesting, but unfortunately unlagged demo playback looks very strange (shots appear way behind the target) so probably not worth putting up to view
Edited 1.37 minutes after the original posting.
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@Foo quake3e. Actually, works in CPMA but not on OSP. Strange
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Foo Rep. 408
#2 15 Jun 2023
@raspatan what engine? Not seen that error in testing but I've only tried against Q3Plus and Quake3e, vanilla and devotion mods.
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@foo Cannot load. It says
"ERROR: Could not open decal file "decals/decal-devoctf1.txt"
"ERROR: Could not open viewcam file "cfg-viewcam/viewcam-devoctf1.cfg"
Edited 17 seconds after the original posting.
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