by Rota
KARIN by Rota
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HelterSkeleton Rep. 6415
#23   30 Apr 2023
great choice for the featured map section Tig
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raspatan Rep. 4556
#22   11 Jun 2020
WOW, just WOW. Not only visually stunning but gameplay is non-stop brutality. Areas are superbly connected, both horizontally and vertically. Item placement is very smart. This is now in my top 10 FFA maps. I'm addicted to it!
Edited 18 seconds after the original posting.
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FragTastic Rep. 2351
#21   10 Jan 2012
Excellent Piece Of Work! 10/10
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pat howard Rep. 422
#20   05 Dec 2009
Maybe the best texturing display ever. It plays nice too - smooth, open and refined.

This is one of my favorites. Amazing stuff, Rota.

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atypic Rep. 0
#19   05 Jul 2008
love the map! looking to remake it for UT3 with permission of course :)
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Rota Rep. 130
#18   18 Nov 2007
And Salinga converted this map, so you can play it in Elite force too... :
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ijed unregistered
#17   31 Aug 2007
Great map.
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Rota Rep. 130
#16   30 Aug 2007
Thanks Tig for test and update... I am glad its better now..
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Tig Rep. 1742
#15   30 Aug 2007
I've updated the download links to the newer version. The frame rate increase is very noticeable. Good work!
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Rota Rep. 130
#14   30 Aug 2007
You, are right.. there was a problem.. here is Karin with higher fps:
Please let me know If its better... i cant recognize it because I have strong machine..

--special thx for subst--

Edited: 30.Aug.2007 01:55 AEST

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Tig Rep. 1742
#13   10 Aug 2007
Ahh.. r_showtris, in case you have not worked it out, only shows the polygons that are being drawn by the render engine based on where you are standing in the map.
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zeal0r Rep. 50
#12   10 Aug 2007
i didn't mean make absolutely everything inside the map detail, sorry if it came accross that way.

Edited: 10.Aug.2007 17:11 AEST

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Tig Rep. 1742
#11   09 Aug 2007
Research into hint brushes and vis-blocking. Also, the use of r_speeds and r_showtris can be used as a guide. Compare what you see on your map with one of the levels that shipped with the game. There are more commands as well, but this will help to get you started.

detail brushes are great for cutting back on the polygons and speeding up compile times, however (as stated before) they do not work as vis-blocking brushes, nor do curves (patches). detail bushes should really be used in conjunction with the bot brushes as well to improve your bot file.

Lonely Planet is an amazing example of optimal vis-blocking and hint brush usage. Try that map with r_showtris for a real example of what can be achieved with some careful placement.

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subst Rep. 80
#10   09 Aug 2007
zeal0r: using detail brushes like that wont improve fps, details do not block vis so in fact if you make all walls in your map into detail then everything will be drawn at once which means less fps
(caulk blocks vis, but if you make caulk brush into detail it does not)

i have low fps in this map too, but thats because i have an old machine, there's nothing wrong with the map :]

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Rota Rep. 130
#9   09 Aug 2007
Hey Fjoggs, how can I fix that? do you know where is any tutorial?... thx for help...
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Fjoggs unregistered
#8   09 Aug 2007
It's not optmizied at all. It almost draws the entire world no matter you are. Try it in devmap and use r_showtris 1 to see it yourself.
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Rota Rep. 130
#7   08 Aug 2007
Yes, I used caulk and so... sorry If you have low fps.. I have 150...
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zeal0r Rep. 50
#6   06 Aug 2007
i'd like to know if the author used all the methods of making maps more fps efficient, e.g. using detail brushes for all things inside the map and using caulk for the outside.

it's a very well designed map and it's a shame to see the play experience suffer with losses in fps.

Edited: 06.Aug.2007 20:30 AEST

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xfactor unregistered
#5   05 Aug 2007
It looks good and plays good nice work.
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Rome Rep. 21
#4   03 Aug 2007
gr8 map, tons of good frags to make, just a bit rough on the fps. 9/10

Edited: 03.Aug.2007 00:17 AEST

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subst Rep. 80
#3   31 Jul 2007
perfect! 10/10 =)
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wakey Rep. 213
#2   30 Jul 2007
I agree to that, very good work!
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v1l3 Rep. 1545
#1   29 Jul 2007
This is a great map...good layout/design. Fun to play...nice work man.
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