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the pad system really hurts enjoyment of the map on this one for me. The speed of the moving platform down below didn't help much either. The platforms used for the rl/pg pick ups can be reached by strafing off the accelerator pad and then continuing to strafe mid air but even this method is unreliable, especially in game. This makes the game pretty much a shotgun/machine gun affair and restricts play to a few very well trod paths. The neutral ground accessible through the wormholes was also underutilised imo (something worth grabbing here? rg or rg ammo box?). Placing the weapons in easier to reach sections of the map and moving personal teleports, or maybe RA, to the side pads and a MH where the teleport currently sits would have made this a much more enjoyable level. I imagine it fairs much better in promode physics. But I'm judging it primarily as a TA map.
Edited 24.55 minutes after the original posting.There are a few strats for picking up plasma and rl but they require some setting up which is not all that easy in a 2v2 game where everyone knows the strats.
Edited 2.01 days after the original posting.
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My god it's been ages since I've played this map! Luckily I stumbbled across it today and got a chance to get a good, glorious 10 minutes from it. I have to say, it's an impressive map. It may not have the best features as the others stated above, the jump pads are kinda messed up but it's full of fun. I actually loved every second of it even when I first downloaded it back in '11-'12. This is surely gonna stay in my hard drive now, I'm gonna make sure I don't delete this by mistake.... again.
Edited 1.35 minutes after the original posting.
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Levelvideos for uozq3ta1 & uozq3ta3 were made. Now I'm uploading them into Dropbox... I's about half hour... Then I'll create D/L links to get it...
I've only added the levelvideos into video folder in both PK3's (for uozq3ta1 it's video/uoz3q3ta1.roq, for uozq3ta3 it's video/uozq3ta3.roq
Edited: 07 May 2012 AEST
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Making a levelvideo for that :))
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This is just like the legendary CTF map 'The Vast And Furious' :). 10/10
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T2, you could try pressing and holding your forward move key when you get launched off the jump pad and keep holding the forward move key during flight, maybe that will help your problem.
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#4 05 Nov 2009
perhaps you could rocket jump off the jump platforms, or would that be too powerful?
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jump pads need revision
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simple, don't move during fight
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#1 23 May 2006
Needs jump pad distance adjustement, it makes me allways fall into void, no matter what I do
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