Tokay's Tourney
Tokay's Tourney by =PiT=Leone
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obstroc unregistered
#7   06 May 2015
Very well done here. It's not the classic aspect, why I like this map, it's the clean execution. A very simple idea meets pragmatic and minimalistic building with really good texturing. Although I played quake 2, I had not the chance to play it online once (so no comparison here), but it's well known that this map was a real famous classic there. As said, well done and no need of more to be done. I like it how it is and it's my personal favourite remake version over the others. Give this one a chance.
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FragTastic Rep. 2467
#6   08 Jan 2012
Lets just say it looks confusing ;P
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Alexje60 Rep. 72
#5   22 Oct 2011
Awesome map! It's my favourite map, good job!
You can create another one like this becouse this map is really great.
One thing:
-Everytime my bots are running to the mini-elevator and make there a war.
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jeje unregistered
#4   20 Dec 2009
good job, funny concept
Perfect for Hook fight !

good job 8 D

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=PiT=Leone unregistered
#3   26 Jan 2005
Yeah bot play isn't the best I know. They seem to have an unnatural desire to hump the moving platform, but blocking that off from them just made things worse...

So I left it as it is. Go frag a human instead, much more ;-)

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J2KoOl63 unregistered
#2   17 Jan 2005
This is a very fun map to play. The lighting is good and the item placement is decent. The bots like to stay around in the water and the lower level of the map. They go to the top a lot too, but the middle seems to be abandoned. The bots still play pretty well. They are tough in the water. Good map!


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spudford unregistered
#1   09 Jan 2005
As the review says, a majorly vetical arena with some fun long distance rail battles. Its good fun trying to mid-air people using the big bounce pad :D

Lots of fighting round the RA and sending people off the edge is also great fun. A very fun map for a small FFA LAN.

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