by mIKE
Myxomatosis by mIKE
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Whatscheiser Rep. 662
#7   20 Apr 2022
It looks better than it plays. Which isn't to say its very bad... its just not quite where it needs to be. Some polish in regards to weapon placement and alternate movement routes facilitated by jump pads would probably get the gameplay up to meet its eye-candy.
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raspatan Rep. 4556
#6   02 Dec 2020
Nice design and texturing. But for some reason, did not find it fun to play. Probably lacking connectivity. Lifts are a Q2 thing, not suited for Q3. That also made the map slow to play.
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FragTastic Rep. 2351
#5   27 Jan 2012
A couple of things need improving but overall a brilliant map. 8/10
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mIKE unregistered
#4   17 Aug 2004
Thx for your comments and scores and yes i'm a gropie :) of radiohead

the truth is that is harder to map something then name it afterwards, so i simple name my maps with RADIOHEAD-SONGS ('like spinning plates' is a other map/song for example)

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james unregistered
#3   17 Aug 2004
good level mike. :)
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james unregistered
#2   17 Aug 2004
sounds like mike is a radiohead fan. or maybe a gropie. :)
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J2KoOl63 unregistered
#1   15 Aug 2004
To tell you the truth, I found nothing wrong with this map. mIKE has done an excellent job with Myxomatosis. The layout of this map is spectacular. Lighting is perfect. Bots play great and you may find yourself in a sandwich where two bots are shooting at you in front and in back of you. Gameplay is excellent. Item placement is also great. mIKE has put in a lot of effort to make this map (that's for sure). Perfect Map mIKE! 10/10!


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