Stormatorium by Evil_Cremator & StormShadow
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raspatan Rep. 4556
#20   01 Nov 2020
Another underrated map over here. This is a well connected map, properly balanced, with ample space for intensive fighting. And the design is cool too, with interesting features like the massive ranged (image), as well as the thunderstorms in the sky! The atmosphere is great.
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Fellow Hammy unregistered
#19   17 Oct 2002
Great map, beats most I've seen in the past few months. Good work guys.
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gigantes unregistered
#18   15 Oct 2002
ok, i agree that technically it's a very well-produced map... and maybe the game flow is superb, maybe not- i'm probably not an expert-enough player to say...

BUT i'm afraid i don't see much innovation here... aren't everyone's hard drives already packed with tons of base, space and gothic maps? sure, it's clearly an excellent job at what it attempts, but it's basically just more of the same... if the really crucial thing about this map is the gameplay, then why not make it more thematically novel? for examples, see ente's pad-series, bubba's 'highjump' and others, ?'s QuaTRON, etc, etc... things that are innovative, well-produced and still have gameplay...

sorry to be mean, and my real problem is not really with the designers, but with daniel for giving such a pandering review...

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CREEM ROCK CRITIC unregistered
#17   07 Oct 2002
I just stand by a window and look up at the flashing sky. Sure I get fragged a lot but it's worth it...
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StormShadow unregistered
#16   07 Oct 2002
SOrry, i dont think there will be a tourney version (unless crem has the time for it) but this map WILL be included in ra3mapproject 2 as a clan arena. More info here:
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Terminal unregistered
#15   07 Oct 2002
This map is fantastic. The best custom map i've played. Great job guys.
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*papri-K* unregistered
#14   07 Oct 2002
would love to see a tourney version of this one :D
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McBugzz unregistered
#13   06 Oct 2002
Impressive, most impressive
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Evil_Cremator unregistered
#12   04 Oct 2002
mmm the clean speaks! thanks :)
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Mr.CleaN unregistered
#11   04 Oct 2002
Hi guys. I haven't had a chance to do anything other than give the map a visual run-through, but I wanted to sya it looks good, I'm glad to see that texture set getting put to good use. =o)
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StormShadow unregistered
#10   03 Oct 2002
Thanks for the comments, all. Originally, this project started as me and crem sort of tossing a map together room by room, but after a bit of cutting and chopping (editing?), the map turned out to have a great game flow, and a pretty solid design, imo. And yes, we did try to make it balanced for TDM as well as ffa.

Thx a lot!

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Diesoft unregistered
#9   02 Oct 2002
Whoa, great job :).

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Evil_Cremator unregistered
#8   02 Oct 2002
Yep, team dm is what we went for after we had a layout. We kinda just started the whole map without a real idea in by box...
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nitin unregistered
#7   01 Oct 2002
I think it's a better tdm map than dm. Looks above average IMHO, not stunning but I love it in TDM. Nice job guys.
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OvrKill unregistered
#6   01 Oct 2002
Awesome great game play looks very nice this map owns me lol nice work guys.
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Jyncus unregistered
#5   01 Oct 2002
Great map, nice flow to it...

Good texture use, lighting, etc.. Nice job overall.

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swelt unregistered
#4   01 Oct 2002
Very pretty and atmospheric in nice gfx mode.

Broken skybox shader in vertex lighting?

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wviperw unregistered
#3   01 Oct 2002
nice job guys! This is one solid map, both looks and gameplay wise.
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Evil_Cremator unregistered
#2   01 Oct 2002
like 2% + 48%
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Discoloda unregistered
#1   01 Oct 2002
Good job crem... now how much did you realy put into this? :P
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