Title: Stormatorium
Filename: stormatordm1.pk3
Authors: Evil_Cremator and StormShadow
Homepages: **invalid URL** **invalid URL**
Contact info: **email removed** **email removed** or #mapcenter
Map Info: FFA or Tourney 4-8 ppl reccomended, but any number is fine.
Description: Tri leveled gothic themed map with 3 main areas and several smaller areas interconnected by
hallways and a teleporter.
Items: 2 YA, RA, MH, QUAD, all weps but BFG
Custom textures: mrcleantex_4 by mrclean and a custom sky by cart2k
Custom models: Yes. Ranger model by qkennyq. id's unreleased map models pack also by qkennyq
Bot support: Yes. Bots play pretty well.
Bugs/Issues: Bots dont go for the mega.

Construction: GTKradiant
Compile: GTKradiant q3build
Other: Photoshop 5.5, ArenaMaster, Budweiser

Construction time: Roughly 8 weeks, about 2 days per pass.
Compile time: A little more than 30 minutes.
Install/play info: Unzip to quake3arena/baseq3 type /map stormatordm1 into console, or browse map list
Thanks to: MrClean for the great texture set, Cart2k for the sky, Qkennyq for all the map models, id software
Beta testing: Mikey, P@t la mantrake STN, wviperw, nT-Chengaria, Jyncus, Colgate
Copyright info: This map may be distributed as long as this text file in included (or you get permission from both of
the authors).
Notes: The title stormatordm1 is a combination of StormShadow and Evil_Cremator.
Map was completed for the Quake 3 World Collaberative Mapping Competition held by Terminal.
