Panorama screenshots from Quake 3 - How to make them?
Started by CZghost
CZghost Rep. 1799
#1   31 Mar 2012
I've just stared at panorama screenshots there made, but don't know, what tool you've used, Tig...
If you can suggess me the name of tool or websites to download, I'll be happy (wanna try to make panorama screenshots directly from game)...

Tell me also is it commerciall, please. I don't want Trial version of the tool, I'm looking for freeware...
As I've tried: I've downloaded trial of Photoshop, the 30 days have gone by short time... I've had no chance to try it out for making textures... And pay 11 thousands CZK for one program only for making screenshots is tabu for me... For this prise I can buy new television instead...

Tig Rep. 2452
#2   01 Apr 2012
The panoramas are a combination of a Q3 script, Photoshop batch action, and a Windows batch file. Photoshop could be replaced with another graphics package and the Windows batch file could be easily re-written as a Linux / OSX shell script.

If you like, I'll upload a zip file of the scripts with some details on what to do in Photoshop.

DGhost Rep. 330
#3   01 Apr 2012
You could probably use - - from Microsoft instead of Photoshop. I've used that software a lot when I want to make a quick change to an image. And the best part of all, it's free, not like 600$.
Tig Rep. 2452
#4   01 Apr 2012
The process requires cutting 20 pixels out of the middle of 120 screenshots (800x600). Then you need to rotate those 120 strips 90 degrees and save them in RAW format. Photoshop has a batch process or action command which allows you to perform all of this automatically. seems pretty good, but I did not see anything like 'actions' on the feature list.

Do you want me to upload the scripts I use?

CZghost Rep. 1799
#5   01 Apr 2012
I'm using GIMP as an alternative to Photoshop on Windows. Is there similar script for GIMP and for 1280x1024 pixels?
Tig Rep. 2452
#6   02 Apr 2012
GIMP has heaps of stuff. I think Script-Fu may do what you need, but you are on your own :]

I've put a zip together with all that I use. Grab it here ->

The process is not a 'one click' one. You will need to work out how to make it work for you. Good luck.

CZghost Rep. 1799
#7   04 Apr 2012
Thank you, tried out that script, but there's a bug in syntax... How to make playermodel disappear? And the camera doesn't rotate + timescale issues...
Tig Rep. 2452
#8   04 Apr 2012
You have exactly what I use. The 'scripts/models.shader' should take care of the player model IF you use 'biker/stroggo', otherwise you need to edit the script to suit your player model.

You need to open up the files in a basic text editor (like notepad) and edit them to suit yourself.

CZghost Rep. 1799
#9   12 Apr 2012
Sorry, but I haven't understood it... Did you tell me I have to make shader making the texture disappear?
Tig Rep. 2452
#10   12 Apr 2012
Select the 'Stroggo' player model then take a panorama. The player model should have disappeared. If it has not, then you have a set-up issue.

You need to understand the system and edit everything to suit your Q3A set-up. All the files can be opened in Notepad, and in fact you should do that so you can see what is happening.

CZghost Rep. 1799
#11   13 Apr 2012
I don't understand, why it's the RL invisible?
CZghost Rep. 1799
#12   14 Apr 2012
Why are the weapons invisible here right? Have I to change it?
You exact haven't weapons invisible in you panoramas, why I exact have?
Edited 2.4 minutes after the original posting.
Tig Rep. 2452
#13   14 Apr 2012
As stated before:
All the files can be opened in Notepad, and in fact you should do that so you can see what is happening.

The script is something I put together, based on a script sst13 sent me. It is not a program. It is not easy to use unless you read over the scripts yourself.

CZghost Rep. 1799
#14   14 Apr 2012
This still doesn't explain, why have all weapons invisible texture?
Tig Rep. 2452
#15   14 Apr 2012
Actually, it says everything about why the weapons are invisible. Do you have "r_drawentities 0", that will make them invisible. Have you edited or read "models.shader"?

I can try to remote debug, but I have no idea how you have set things up, what you are have changed (or not changed) or what the real problem is. Maybe you should post a screenshot and what steps you are doing to reach the issue. I need some more details before I can help as I do not have the problem at my end.

CZghost Rep. 1799
#16   14 Apr 2012
I have "r_drawentities 1" (ammor boxes are visible), but weapons are almost invisible (by RL, there's visible the inside part of the weapon)...

I'm sorry, IO quake3 doesn't make sreenshots (It shows screenshot created, but in folder is nothing)...
I've changed my playermodel to biker/stroggo, I haven't changed weapons to original texture usage...

Can you post me your hack part of models.shader for panorama (in screnshot, then I have more chance to believe it)?
When I'll see only hack for the playermodel, then it's clear - I have different version...

Tig Rep. 2452
#17   15 Apr 2012
I've seen that issue before (where the inside of the RL is render but nothing else) and I can not remember how I fixed it.

Below is the 'hack' section of the models.shader. I've just used it too make the panoramas for the next update.

Be sure to have only one definition for each of these in models.shader.

// --- rocket enabled by default -------
// only comment out for maps that have a rl enabled by default
surfaceparm nodraw
map textures/common/invisible.tga
alphaFunc GE128
rgbGen vertex
surfaceparm nodraw
map textures/common/invisible.tga
alphaFunc GE128
rgbGen vertex
surfaceparm nodraw
map textures/common/invisible.tga
alphaFunc GE128
rgbGen vertex
// and comment this one
// cull disable
// sort additive
// {
// map models/weapons2/rocketl/f_rocketl.tga
// blendfunc GL_ONE GL_ONE
// }

// --- end rocket enabled by default -------

// gauntlet - original

cull disable
sort additive
// map models/weapons2/gauntlet/gauntlet3.tga
AnimMap 10 models/weapons2/gauntlet/gauntlet3.tga models/weapons2/gauntlet/gauntlet4.tga
blendfunc GL_ONE GL_ONE
// gauntlet - invis
surfaceparm nolightmap
map textures/common/invisible.tga
alphaFunc GE128
rgbGen vertex

surfaceparm nolightmap
map textures/common/invisible.tga
alphaFunc GE128
rgbGen vertex
surfaceparm nolightmap
map textures/common/invisible.tga
alphaFunc GE128
rgbGen vertex

surfaceparm nolightmap
map textures/common/invisible.tga
alphaFunc GE128
rgbGen vertex



surfaceparm nolightmap
map textures/common/invisible.tga
alphaFunc GE128
rgbGen vertex


surfaceparm nolightmap
map textures/common/invisible.tga
alphaFunc GE128
rgbGen vertex

surfaceparm nolightmap
map textures/common/invisible.tga
alphaFunc GE128
rgbGen vertex


surfaceparm nolightmap
map textures/common/invisible.tga
alphaFunc GE128
rgbGen vertex

surfaceparm nolightmap
map textures/common/invisible.tga
alphaFunc GE128
rgbGen vertex

surfaceparm nolightmap
map textures/common/invisible.tga
alphaFunc GE128
rgbGen vertex
surfaceparm nolightmap
map textures/common/invisible.tga
alphaFunc GE128
rgbGen vertex
surfaceparm nolightmap
map textures/common/invisible.tga
alphaFunc GE128
rgbGen vertex
surfaceparm nolightmap
map textures/common/invisible.tga
alphaFunc GE128
rgbGen vertex

// end hack

CZghost Rep. 1799
#18   15 Apr 2012
I'll see, how to improve the hack... Now I'm making remake of pan's CTF map for Team Arena gameplay (and advising some produces

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