Any Feedback is welcome and will be appreciated.
Edited 41 seconds after the original posting.
I will only be posting updates and other information over at Quake 3 World so apologies to those people who were expecting updates here.
Greetings everyone. Just liked to give a heads up for anyone viewing this forum that Beta 2 of my first quake 3 map has been released over at Quake 3 World forums: www.quake3world...c.php
Feedback will be welcome on this 2nd beta, so please don't be afraid to test the map out and post any feedback at the Quake 3 World forums.
Have added some Team Arena features (items). I've added Invulnerability in both bases, prepared screens to video. Have created new shader with blue and red team icons for video creation, these won't be replaced by selected teams' icons (ID's videos haven't the 'Red Team' & 'Blue Team' icons replaced by team icons determined by script). Railgun have different places in different gametypes: In CTF and Overload, the railgun is on the neutral lower platform, in OneFlag and Harvester, it's placed in both neutral areas on higher platforms. Added runes to get the TA gameplay onto top. Replaced Shotgun with Chaingun. Added Nailgun. Personal Teleporter is no longer unavaible. Some layout fixes were produced, such as making the corners more real. 'Ow' textures were replaced with floor texture around, added weapon pads under all guns. I haven't removed the ow textures from the PK3, haven't edited shader file (remove all shaders for ow floor textures).
] So in short, Level slowly becomes a real TA challenge. [
Would you see screenshots from the editor? In-game screenshots cannot be posted before I'll finish the TA rework. Also will include the screenvideo within...
Then you can make also team arena maps, just make some edits in editor shaders to prevent from Shader Image Missing texture. Like base_wall2.shader have wrong qer_editorimage reputation, edit it for blue and neutral weaponpad (copy the swirl texture to the editorimage, I've done exactly the same). You can also uncomment the models & models2 in shaderlist + copy the models(2).shader into the scripts folder, make in the copies some changes on powerups (items) shaders for qer_editorimage (find shaders with different name than assigned texturemaps). Where you find also blendfunc add or blendfunc GL_ONE GL_ONE, you can add also qer_trans with decimal number presenting opacity (0.5 means 50% opacity. Also works short variant .5)
I've tried to compile the map, but seems to be too large. It was compiling over half day... Must pass some minor edits in worldspawn entity...
] Added the -fast, but it has rapidly slowed at Trace Grid stage. I must increase the blocksize of worldspawn [
Compilation's much faster since I've centered the map into X0 Y0 in grid and setted detail to some non-layout brushes (like coversheets or hangpillars under launchramps). But It's killing the processor, I need to improve it more...
Edited 18 seconds after the original posting.
If you want, I'd be happy of nice review.
Just came to give a status report on my map. It's just about finished and ready for release. I will (more or less) be releasing it tomorrow as a final (1.0). No major editing will be produced after release, but if there's any need for minor changes, I could possibly stretch it out for another version.
I hope to hear from everybody then.
(P.S. I will probably wait a week or so before uploading it to ..::LvL, so if you are reading this Tigger-oN, you should hopefully get a email in a weeks time (or earlier if it happens)).
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