Looking for Missing OpenArena Soundtracks
Started by Stoody
Stoody Rep. 0
#1   43 hrs ago
Hi everyone,

I’ve been trying to find some missing soundtracks for OpenArena, and I was hoping someone here could help me out. I’m specifically looking for:






If anyone knows where I can find them, I’d really appreciate it!


leilei Rep. 443
#2   36 hrs ago
WaterTech was a FLStudio-created song removed for legal concerns.

The rest were internal use placeholders that never made a release (also for obvious legal reasons), though if you're curious:
Lah.wav was Amiga Last Action Hero music ("lahingame1-shuffle").
cube.wav and cube2.wav are conversions of cube1.mid and cubez0r.xm from Cube (given they're aardappel's maps)
No idea what BaseWarfare was, I don't recognize that filename. That's a real unknown.

Don't worry about it. Sometimes game development can just be messy and leave random red herrings to nowhere.
Edited 10.38 minutes after the original posting.

Stoody Rep. 0
#3   20.42 hrs ago
@leilei :
WaterTech was a FLStudio-created song removed for legal concerns. The rest were internal use placeholders that never made a release (also for obvious legal reasons), though...

Hey thanks for letting me know. That's a shame about Watertech. I got Lah but it only works on the slade editor. Open arena is a strange game haha

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