Here is what I do ...
We have a brick texture here ... and download the .zip.
I take the bricks_0019_color.jpg and rename to bricks_0019.jpg
I take the bricks_0019_NormalOpenGL.jpg and rename to bricks_0019_norm.jpg
I take the bricks_0019_ambientocculsion.jpg and rename to bricks_0019_gloss.jpg
I do NOT need to create a shader at all. No shader needed = nice!
In my engine or DarkPlaces, all I must have enabled is r_glsl_deluxemapping 1 -- which is the default value in DarkPlaces -- and the rendering will look like the above.
I can mess with the textures in the map in real-time a command called r_replacemaptexture to test textures in real-time, I found recompiiling maps too slow to quickly test 20 textures.
My initial testing map when I started going in hard with this earlier in the year:
Edited 14.57 minutes after the original posting.
Download the Q1SP (there is a Shambler) + .map source:
To play map, put .pk3 in c:\quake\id1 folder and type "map ambientcg"
This is a Quake 1 map and for best results use either Zircon engine (site: ) or DarkPlaces
You just take the download .zip, unzip to textures/texturecan folder and rename bricks_0019_color.jpg -> bricks_0019.jpg, bricks_0019_NormalOpenGL.jpg -> bricks_0019_norm.jpg, bricks_0019_ambient.jpg -> bricks_0019_gloss.jpg
Edited 4.58 hours after the original posting.
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