Terrain Map I Can't Make Work In Q3
Started by Baker
Baker Rep. 0
#1   31 Jul 2024
I made this Quake 3 terrain map and it loads in DarkPlaces just fine:
Image: www.quaketastic.co..._prototype1.gif
Detail: www.moddb.com/mods...type-quake-1-sp
I tried to make a Quake 3 pure version of this map and apparently Quake 3 hates autosprite2 when made from an .ase model for reasons unknown. And for some reason, .md3 and .obj are a no go. I used q3map_surfaceModel to place those several hundreds of trees and thousands of plants, so it has to be an external model. I use autosprite2 because each one is just 2 triangles. 1 model -> 2 triangles = a great deal!
I have made other DarkPlaces maps like this one:
Image: www.quaketastic.co...ots/mtstart.gif
Link: www.moddb.com/mods...test-1-quake-11
and then later converted to pure Quake 3 ...
Link: www.moddb.com/mods...3-quake-sandbox
(That one is too big for Open Arena .. Quake Sandbox which is a fork of Open Arena -- loads it fine.)
Or ...
This Pixel Art Neon Sign conversion ...
Image: media.moddb.com/ca..._neon_signs.gif
Link: www.moddb.com/mods...dbox-open-arena
Quite the shame that autosprite2 and .ase seemingly don't play nice together at all, but DarkPlaces makes it work somehow.
Edited 5.48 minutes after the original posting.
Tig Rep. 2322
#2   31 Jul 2024
@Baker - Yep, deformVertexes autosprite2 has issues when used with models in a map. Depending on how you have made the model, other shader attributes can also have issues.

If you use r_showtris 1 you can see the "bug". The triangles appear to be rendered wrong. It is possible this is a compile issue. I have only tested this with maps compiled with q3map2.

Personally, I always test and re-test before committing to any design decision for this very reason.

You could always log a bug report or a patch with your Q3A Engine of choice to see if it can be resolved (assuming the issue is not with q3map2).

Baker Rep. 0
#3   01 Aug 2024
Thanks for confirming that this something I can't fix without editing the Q3 engine because is known confirmed issue.
I'm primarily targeting DarkPlaces, but since Quake SandBox can load the maps because -- I'm guessing --- some engine modifications to support larger maps than OpenArena / Q3 does at least out of the box I occasionally like to build targeting Quake 3 and try it in Quake SandBox to see how Q3 reacts/renders the map.
(I already did the r_showtris stuff to look at the triangles during testing to see if I could picture what exactly was wrong with the rendering in Q3).

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