Who wrote review to Opium?
Started by CZghost
CZghost Rep. 1799
#1   25 Nov 2011
I've submitted review to Opium, but I haven't received e-mail from you, Tig. I've entered valid e-mail adress to it, but no reply has come in.
So I ask, who else wrote the review for Opium (opium.zip), that is in old American style?

I think, that only one people is choosed for it.
Did you have time to check the e-mail, when sending?

My e-mail is marPolda (atSign) gmail (dotSign) com.
Edited 6.2 minutes after the original posting.

CZghost Rep. 1799
#2   25 Nov 2011
In addition, the map has flickering candle light (I didn't know, that it is possible to make it).
In Quake3World is decribed, how to make flickering lights: www.quake3world.co...m/viewtopic.php
Tig Rep. 2452
#3   25 Nov 2011
I'll check the emails and send you a reply (via email) later today.

Sorry that I did not send you a reply!

CZghost Rep. 1799
#4   26 Nov 2011
Thank you... I've read it and seems I have to learn english as well :D
Tig Rep. 2452
#5   26 Nov 2011
Put it this way, your English is a lot better than my Czech, in fact I don't know any Czech at all! :]
CZghost Rep. 1799
#6   28 Nov 2011
Reason of your Czech ignorance is fact, that Czech isn't world popular languange.
Tig Rep. 2452
#7   28 Nov 2011
That may be so, but you can still read and write a second language well enough that others can understand what you are saying. I on the other hand are limited to just English.

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