ioquake 3 server running maps from lvlworld ?
Started by DGhost
DGhost Rep. 330
#1   24 Sep 2011

I've started trying in more details the ioquake3 engine and for my own amusement I've created a dedicated ioquake3 server running CPMA on my freebsd server. At the moment I only got a basic setup running on this server but I want to configure it for supporting the HTTP/FTP download with the ioquake3 client so that the users will download automatically the custom maps and/or mods from the server when it's missing. That got me thinking about the maps that I wanted to run on it and I thought it could be fun to run maps from lvlworld on it. People with the standard Quake 3 client (1.32b and above) would still be able to connect, but without the ioquake3 client features.

Of course I cannot load all the maps from LVL on the server but I would be glad to take the choices/suggestions from the reviewers. I think it would be a fun way to try the maps from here on a public multiplayer server.

Would anybody be interested? Is there already a server running a lot of maps from LVL?

Tig Rep. 2452
#2   24 Sep 2011
FragLove is running IOQuake as their servers. They also run a lot of maps from ..::LvL.

I think it was FragLove, maybe I've got this confused with a different project, but I'm pretty sure it was them.

Either way, it is a good idea to have more custom map servers out there :]

DGhost Rep. 330
#3   24 Sep 2011
Yeah I saw a couples on fraglove, but I don't know how much. Well here's a kickstarter, the server is running on :

I've added these maps for starting :

Achromatic - q3gwdm1.pk3
Sanctum - Q3shw27
powahaus redux - map_cpm18r.pk3
Angkor the flag - dk_ng2_ctf.pk3
The Simpsons Map - simpsons.pk3
Overgrowth - desctf1.pk3
Derwyll's Castle 2 - nor3ctf1.pk3
Fluorescent - ct3ctf2.pk3
Tactical Assault (Release Candidate 1) - pasctf4_rc1.pk3
Shibam v1.1 - shibam.pk3
Octagonal Overdose - map-13octo.pk3
Divided We Fall - map-kellfall.pk3, map-kellfall_ta.pk3, map-kelltall.pk3, bot-pyre.pk3
God Of Emptiness - hodq3dm1.pk3
Arctica - storm3tourney9.pk3

There are of course more maps on it, check the http download url for the complete listing. At the moment the http download is only working for the maps in baseq3. You'll need ioq3/q3a with cpma installed, turn on autodownload and the maps will be pushed to the client. If you are using ioquake3, the download will be in http - i.e blazing fast!. I'll try to add the automatic download for the cpma mod also.

Tig Rep. 2452
#4   24 Sep 2011
While trying to connect to your server, I'm getting stuck a 'Awaiting Challenge ...' screen. I think this is related to settings on your modem/router. Basically, I think I'm not getting a return packet from your server.
DGhost Rep. 330
#5   24 Sep 2011
Alright I think I got it also for the cpma mod autodownload. Make sure that in your ioquake3 client to set cl_allowdownload 1 to enable the automatic download.

Also the newest version of Shibam 1.3 has been added to the list.

DGhost Rep. 330
#6   24 Sep 2011
Sorry I was probably working on it, had to move a lot of files for cleaning that up. The server is a public one, no router in front of it. It's a static public ip. Everything is fine for me at the moment.
Tig Rep. 2452
#7   24 Sep 2011
Seems to be working now. Download PK3 files as I type :]

Edit: OK, connected and everything is fine. I get around 250ms ping, but it feels more like 800ms, strange. Very hard to R/Jump with the lag :]
Edited 1.39 hours after the original posting.

DGhost Rep. 330
#8   24 Sep 2011
Depending where you are located, the server is in Montreal, the ping will change but I agree that I have to tweak it more for optimizing the network performance. I've haven't took the time yet to check the network settings for it. I'll start looking into it.
DGhost Rep. 330
#9   24 Sep 2011
Alright I changed the network settings for the server, I really hope that it's gonna help you. Was the download speed for the pk3 pretty good ?
Tig Rep. 2452
#10   25 Sep 2011
Looks like the version of Shibam you have is different from the one I have. The server is trying download a different version, but I already have the map :[

Also, the download rate has dropped to 3kbs!

DGhost Rep. 330
#11   25 Sep 2011
The server got the latest version of shibam_1.3 there might be a problem if you keep the old version. The pk3 filename is different but the bsp filename is the same. The download rate should be more than that. There was a problem with the map name in the map rotation, it has been fixed. Try again and let me know, thx for the info.

edit : sorry just checked, the old version was still, there, it has been corrected.
Edited 8.03 minutes after the original posting.

DGhost Rep. 330
#12   01 Oct 2011
Map list updated on the server, check out this thread for more details on the new list :

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