Any help would be appreciated, thanks! 💖🚀
The size of the video needs to be a power of 2, for example a width and height like 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048...
The frame rate needs to be 30 fps.
ffmpeg - - can convert an existing video (of the right frame rate and size) with a command like:
ffmpeg -i Original.mp4 Q3HappyVid.roq
If your original is not a valid width and height or the frame rate is wrong, you could use something like:
ffmpeg -i Original.mp4 -r 30 -s 512x256 Q3HappyVid.roq
That will take a video of any size and frame rate and change it to a frame rate of 30 fps (-r 30) and resize to 512 wide by 256 high (-s 512x256).
That would allow you to expand on the details and open it up to feedback from others (hopefully). The enhancements sound very helpful!
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