Hi there,
I play Spiterbot mod a lot and would like to change some of the mod settings: timing of items. They are not the ones used in OSP/CPMA. There is no command to control such times. It is hard-coded.
Best option would be to get the source code and recompile. Problem is I haven't found such code online. Mod is from 2002.
An alternative is to "decode" the .qvm files. I did so using this tool:
github.com/brugal/q3vm All I got from the three .qvm files is some text like this:
paste.ubuntu.com/p/mtJ4TQhKhw/ I have no idea what to do with this. There are some stuff that might be related to spawn. For instance, some code says:
00008cad const 1 0x5d61
00008cae arg -1 0x8
;; dec: ----
00008caf const 1 0x38a ; :unknown function:
00008cb0 call -1
00008cb1 pop -1
;----------------------------------- from 0x8cac
00008cb2 local 1 0xb0 ; arg0
00008cb3 load4
; 01 00 00 00 (0x1)
00008cb4 const 1 0x1bc
00008cb5 add -1
00008cb6 const 1 0xe7b8c
00008cb7 load4
00008cb8 store4 -2
;; dec: ----
No idea if this is helpful or not.
Even if I manage to find the precise edit (which I doubt), I would then need to recompile. No idea if that is even possible.
Am I attempting the impossible here?
Edited 7.55 minutes after the original posting.