How to make MD3 model in MilkShape 3D standard version?
Locked, Started by CZghost
CZghost Rep. 1799
#1   23 Aug 2011
I've tried to make MD3 model in MilkShape 3D standard edition downloaded from internet, but cannot save model as ms3d and cannot export model into md3. Standard version blocks save function until registration, but registration costs about 20 USD (In CZK is the price over thousands). One map maker Maxell have unregistered MilkShape, that allows himself saving files and exporting into other formats.

My question is:
How to 'learn' MilkShape for saving? How can I make MD3 model in this actualy favourite program?

themuffinator Rep. 1064
#2   23 Aug 2011
MilkShape gives you full functionality for 30 days, so if it's not expired then you shouldn't have a problem. If you are having a problem then download a different version from chumbalum.swissqua...d/download.html since each release sets its own expiry date.

To save a source file (ms3d) is straight forward. Exporting to MD3 requires creating a control file first. Go Tools >>> Quake III Arena >>> Generate Control File, save it under the same tag as the md3 you want to export, then you'll want to open the qc file you just made with WordPad. Here's what it should contain:

// Quake III Arena MD3 control file, generated by MilkShape 3D
$model "models/players/model/model.md3"
// reference frame
//$frames -1 -1
// frame 1-30
$frames 1 30
$flags 0
$numskins 0

// you can have one or no parent tag

// tags

// meshes (surfaces)
$mesh "Box01"
$skin "models/players/model/skin.tga"
$flags 0

A simple model will just need the paths editing accordingly. You'll need to update the control file if you plan to update the model with extra/less meshes for next md3 compilation.

After sorting out the control file, you simply go File >> Export >>> Quake III Arena MD3 and export with the same name tag to the same folder as your control file.

CZghost Rep. 1799
#3   23 Aug 2011
I think, that you didn't understand my problem.
I have standard version, that haven't 30-days trial, but cannot save projects. I know, how to save model as md3...
I don't want 30-days trial, but I also need saving function.

Registration of MilkShape costs about 20 USD, in CZK it's about 340.
After registration the MilkShape will be fully functionaly. But I don't want pay for registration...

themuffinator Rep. 1064
#4   24 Aug 2011
MilkShape is either registered or unregistered. If it's unregistered (it is unregistered if it says [UNREGISTERED] in the title bar) then it is subject to a 30 day trial, after which it disables saving and exporting. That means that if you 'know how to save model as md3', yet you're unable to do so, then you're probably rocking an expired trial version. There is no such thing as a 'standard' MilkShape version.
themuffinator Rep. 1064
#5   24 Aug 2011
Alright my apology, I just noticed that there's a standard option during installation. That works just like the expired trial version (only removes saving function) and is meant for, and I quote, 'choose this when you own a licence'. Enabling the saving function would give you a full version for free, which is kind of against the law.
Edited 15.2 minutes after the original posting.
CZghost Rep. 1799
#6   24 Aug 2011
Saving function will be able after registrating product, but registration costs 20 USD (340 CZK). I haven't money enough to pay this.
Full version for free? I think, that MS3D is shareware (Like freeware, but have some limits /time limit = expiry, or function limit/. After paying the limit should be removed.)
CZghost Rep. 1799
#7   24 Aug 2011
Oh, I forgot. I need to know, how to enable saving and exporting function (crack or something) for free. I cannot pay just for get able to saving my ms3d projects, MilkShape is primary used for game developers, that have enough money to pay for full version (game developers are usualy in groups or teams, that have people specialised for every game part, such as sounds, models, scripts, functions, textures and mapping).

I can make texture of model in GIMP, but i need to know model's UV mapping, before I start with texturing. I also have LithUnwrap, but MS3D still cannot save projects and export them (LithUnwrap needs saved file to calculate UV mapping).

Tig Rep. 2452
#8   24 Aug 2011
Any post about how to crack, by-pass or anything else illegal will be removed. So will links to downloads or other sites with instructions.

BTW, $US20 is very cheap for a feature-rich 3D Editor. If you learn how to use a 3D Editor well, it may land you a job :]

CZghost Rep. 1799
#9   24 Aug 2011
OK, but how can I enable the saving function without paying? Or, exists any freeware application with same functions as ms3d?

I tried to get license key for ms3d, but key was incorrect. Crack had virus. It's other option, how to enable saving?

themuffinator Rep. 1064
#10   24 Aug 2011
Nobody here is going to tell you where to get a crack/keygen/serial, so you're on your own with that.

Your best alternative is to use Blender:
It's completely free, open-source and has a decent amount of features and extra plugins available for it. It's just got a really (and I mean REALLY) terrible interface, but I suppose it just takes getting accustomed to. Here's some plug-ins for it you'll find useful:

It's debatable whether MS3D is even worth 50 cents. It lacks any boolean functions, numeric type-in feature for coordinates, UVW unwrapper, etc.. The only good things about it are it's incredibly easy to use with a very simple, to-the-point interface; and it has loads of import/export options.

CZghost Rep. 1799
#11   24 Aug 2011
Blender makes smaller models than other modelling programs and axes are different from axes of other progs, too.
How I can know, what number I must increase size of model and what direction I must rotate the model?

Blender has grider, but cannot enable snapping to grider (haven't this function yet).
Snapping to grider is very useful, if you don't know, where the vertexes may be or if you need 100% vertical line between two vertexes.

Some plugins can fit my needs, but there is still model's size and axis problem.

CZghost Rep. 1799
#12   29 Aug 2011
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