Light emitting texture shader (was: please help)
Started by 8chaos
8chaos Rep. 0
#1   22 Dec 2020
Designing a level for quake 3 and i don't want to use a point entity to generate light i want the god damn texture to emit the light a blue light at that. with this shader code;
q3map_surfacelight 3700
q3map_lightStyle 1 // sets style index #1
map $lightmap
rgbGen identity
q3map_styleMarker // note: after the $lightmap stage
map textures/rvb_arena0002/BLUE
rgbGen identity
and it does absolutely nothing the point lights work fine there is no freaking leak why is quake 3 such a nightmare to do this on with half life you just do the lights.rad and easy breezy wtf?
Takkie Rep. 1868
#2   22 Dec 2020
OK, it is been a while but I hope I can help.
For the color you I assume your texture/rvb_arena0002/blue.tga is colored blue.
So you need in the q3map light image stage
q3map_lightimage textures/rvb_arena0002/Blue. tga
I don't know about the style marker.
I never used it.
I suggest you start with something like this and test/experiment from there:

q3map_lightimage textures/rvb_arena0002/Blue.tga
surfaceparm nomarks
q3map_lightsubdivide 64
q3map_surfacelight 500
map $lightmap
rgbGen identity
map textures/rvb_arena0002/Blue.tga
rgbGen identity

You might want to reconsider not using a light point entity. That is why I use surface light 500 instead of 3700.
Because using light emitting from the texture alone usually doesn't cut it, quality wise.
But I don't know your map or theme or anything.
I just picked some stuff up a from looking at the shader files from my favorite mappers.
Good luck

8chaos Rep. 0
#3   24 Dec 2020
@Takkie thank you for your response however that code did not work.. However it does and my original code for the shaders work fine with that NetRadiant bsp drawing program but i keep falling through my levels now lmfao this is interesting.
Tig Rep. 2452
#4   24 Dec 2020
Honestly, I extract all for the id Software PK3's to an 'extracted' folder. If I every want to know how to do something I go looking at how id Software done it.

If id Software did not do it, then I do the same for what ever map I played where I saw the feature I want.

If you are falling through the floor, then (at a guess) you have used a shader with a surfaceparm nonsolid attribute. There are a number of textures in Q3A that have this attribute set. For example, gothic_block/blocks18d_trans- just look for the matching textures without _trans (well, most of the time) and change to that one.

raspatan Rep. 4690
#5   25 Dec 2020
@8chaos There is also a decently active modelling forum in, where you might get further help.
8chaos Rep. 0
#6   12 Jan 2021
Hey everyone thank you!! I successfully got everything to work!. Here is a youtube video of my first version of the level.

I deleted quake3 and all the editors and reinstalled everything fresh. This time i extracted all the assists and kept the pk3s instead of doing two folders i also didnt use the iotech3 updates and stuck with a unedited q3 install. just toggle between sv_pure 1 and 0 to use the pk3s or the filesystem. I used the shader config for just textures i wanted to be special and put textures into a folder called rvbarena0002b and the common textures into rvbarena0002b_hull.

Next I am interested into the AAS structure for bot navigation, and packing up everything related to the individual level into its own pk3. Also lightmapping is another area am interested into exploring. When I have the time lol

Takkie Rep. 1868
#7   12 Jan 2021
Enjoyable video. Congrats on your efforts👍
The level gives me a half-life vibe and reading back your first post it is a bit obvious 😁 Still the vibe is absolute there.
For now the level has for me this single-playerish, adventurous, exploring-style thing going on. I am looking forward to see where you are going with this. My 2cents if it is for ffa I'd cut down on the water parts and just keep it for a tough route to the bfg.
If you commit to the dystopian, exploring, city style I'd add more height to the map so you get that skyscraper feeling.
Anyways good job on sorting things out, keep at it :D
raspatan Rep. 4690
#8   14 Jan 2021
I agree with Takkie. For a FFA flavour, city maps make use of more open spaces. Your map needs, imo, more verticality too so having an open area with skyscrapers for instance is one way to go. Connectivity is also very important. Teleports are great for speeding things up.
Regarding the water system, why not go full in and have a sewer system that also allows for some decent fighting? Water is a terrible place for fighting. In any case, for your water section, I would remove the black brushes that stop you (as shown in video). Very annoying!
That's for now. Keep it coming!

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