I know these are a lot of questions, I apologize. Any help is appreciated...
What Operating System are you using and what video card do you have? Do you have the latest video drivers?
The 1.32 patch is all you need to install to bring the game up-to-date.
Have you tried using a different engine (like IOQuake3) once you have the game updated? If so is it the same issue?
And finally, just what is happening when the game crashes? Does the game always crash in the same way? Any more details could really help.
When adding certain bots (Bitterman, for example) I get this message
"Could not find file/path/sound/drown.wav - Using Default"
Is this a glitch, my own fault, or a problem due to iD?
Next thing to try is make sure you have all the correct files. In your Quake 3 folder, you only need the 'baseq3' folder and a 'Quake3.exe' file. You can and should remove everything else.
In the baseq3 folder, you should have the following files: pak0.pk3, pak1.pk3, pak2.pk3, pak3.pk3, pak4.pk3, pak5.pk3, pak6.pk3, pak7.pk3, pak8.pk3
In order to try and fix the problem, remove all other files.
The missing bot sound files can be ignored.
Start the game and report back :]
IOQuake3 is a custom version of Q3 which has a number of tweaks and improvements. Once you have the default version of Q3 running, I would suggest grabbing a copy of IOQuake3 from here: ioquake3.org/get-it/
Yes, just place IOQuake3 in to your Quake 3 folder, then click on it.
Edited 50 days after the original posting.
Don't do this.
This will create more problems, particularly with checksum protection
Edited 7 days after the original posting.
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