I'm trying to make an elevator go up and down with buttons, but the way lifts work in Quake 3 it seems that buttons can only make it go up, not down. The lifts won't go back down if the player is still standing on them, and the only way to go to the lower level is to jump through a conveniently placed hole in the roof of the elevator since pressing a second button at the top does nothing but bring the lift up.
Tig Rep. 2442
#2 03 Nov 2019
From memory, you need to use a negative value for the height.
How exactly do I do that? I made a button at the top of the elevator with Angle -148 and it didn't move the elevator down. Am I missing something?
Tig Rep. 2442
#4 09 Nov 2019
Sample files showing how to make a platform that moves down -
lvlworld.com/img/plattest.zipTwo versions are included, one using a platform, the other using a door.