Custom maps server?
Started by EmeraldTiger
Tig Rep. 2032
#21   30 Jul 2011
I'm currently running a '..::LvL Test Box' server from behind a ADSL2+ modem. I've placed the server in the DMZ, not using Port Forwarding (which means it should act like it is directly connected to the internet).

The maps are all from the map pack ..::LvL & PlanetQuake Pack 2: The Top Peg -

Is anyone able to see the server in the server list? I suspect the connection speed will be slow as the server is in Australia :]

EmeraldTiger Rep. 2601
#22   30 Jul 2011
Im unable to see it in either QTracker or Q3. Whats the IP? Perhaps I can connect from there.

Thanks for setting up one btw. :)
Edited 39 seconds after the original posting.

Tig Rep. 2032
#23   30 Jul 2011
Thanks for the info! That does point to a config issue at my end.

The IP is: and the default port.

EmeraldTiger Rep. 2601
#24   30 Jul 2011
Okay, it connects now. Though I get an error saying "Server is for low pings only".
Tig Rep. 2032
#25   30 Jul 2011
Cool, this is what I saw at my end:

broadcast: print "EmeraldTiger^7 connectedn"
broadcast: print "EmeraldTiger^7 disconnectedn"

Now, to work out why the server is not appearing on the server list.

Tig Rep. 2032
#26   02 Aug 2011
I was not able to work out why my test server did not appear on the master server list or on sites like - If you put the IP in qxmon, the correct details where shown and the server was 'found' without a problem. But still no entry on the master list (that I could see). The server is off-line now.

The strange thing was did a test capture of network traffic (with tcpdump) and saw UDP traffic going both to and from the server, including traffic from the master server.

If I get more time in the future I think I'll come back to this issue as running a home server would be a good thing to do IMHO :]

EmeraldTiger Rep. 2601
#27   20 Aug 2011
That is okay. Its the thought that counts. :)

In fact, our wishes might have came true already. Theres a relatively new site called FragLove - It has a QL-style web browser interface but runs through CPMA. Its completely legitimate as you do need a copy of pak0.pk3 in order to properly use it, (though they claim its 100% free) so you still need to pay for the game. But the browser-based interface is really neat and there is even a universal chatbox which you can use to organize matches quickly and conveniently, unlike in QL where you have to open up quakenet.

The best thing is that it contains a large collection of custom levels, including the ones from the Maverick Summer 2011 Mapping Competition. They seem to add new ones to their servers periodically much like QL has updates. And they do get played - for example, Hipshots "Solitude" got 22 matches played, Kazs "Lost at Sea" got 36 matches, and the still-fresh "Ballistophobia" by Jester got played 41 times. It may not seem like much for now, but it might increase over time and compared to back then, custom arenas (especially the newer ones) might have never been played online.

It`s absolutely fantastic news for the community, both the players and the mappers. I can see more people getting into level design now since there is a much greater chance of their creations being played.

DGhost Rep. 330
#28   22 Aug 2011
Let me add my 2 cents on this one. I still run a dedicated Quake 3 server, with the Threewave mod on it since many years now. I've bought and played Quake 3 since the first day it was released and now today I mostly play 99% on QuakeLive instead and I pay for the subscription on it also. QL is not making money, you can check this year's (2011) QuakeCon John Carmak keynote who mention it. Also ID CEO, Todd, gave an interview with more details regarding why it's not making money.

The biggest difference between the 2 is obvious, QL is centrally managed and all the files, updates, etc. are pushed to the users by the servers, so the user has nothing to do except maybe, click the update button in a webpage once in a while (hardwares, softwares, managing, people resources are all being paid by ID/Bethesda for this tough). Compared to the original Quake 3 Arena, the servers are run by the users (like me). But most important is that with the original Quake 3, for a server running custom packs, either it's maps, models, sounds, whatever, the user need to download these packs and put it in their baseq3 folder.

You can say, wait a minute, I know that there is a download feature in the Quake 3 engine when a user connect to a server and there is a custom map running on it, the server will push it to me, if it's enabled on the server. But since it's an old game, the way Quake 3 Arena pushes the files to the users are by the size of a game packet. They are very small so it takes forever to download a custom map.

Back in the days when there was only Quake 3 Arena, the users servers mostly had webpage proposing on it to download their customs .pk3 files before you could connect on the server. It was not bad but you had to know what you where doing, computers enthusiast could do it easily but for neophyte it's another story. It involved downloading and installing a server browser software, scanning the master server for all the game servers, choosing your server and checking the server's properties to see if there was a webpage announced in it. And don't get me started on the server browser softwares, there was so many that got develloped and never finished also. So a lot of peoples that played Quake 3 Arena even never tried a custom server.

The improved Quake 3 engine that RtCW : Enemy Territory is using has corrected this and can push the files needed by either http:// or ftp:// protocol which are much faster and efficient. An updated Quake 3 Arena with this feature would be the best, but I don't think this will ever happen. Or if a mod of Quake 3 Arena with this feature exist, we would still be back at the beginning, we would need to modify our Quake 3 installation before even started using it.

Fraglove looks to be a really good idea, but for it to work, every Quake 3 server's admin would need to register their server with this (but not necessarily) and I don't think you could put all the existing mods for Q3A on that kind of of platform without discovering some bugs. So we would need people time and skills for managing this, all for... free ? It may work at the beginning, but in the long run, I am not so sure. And at the moment it only propose CPMA, which is a really good choice. But nothing else.

In the end QL will prevail because it is so easy to use and all the players are on the same platform (the web page) but alas, with that you can only play the Quake 3 that ID is pushing you, no customisation for you, except what they propose. Most importantly, custom maps!

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