Clicking on screenshots for maps has two arrows at the bottom-left that are a tad misleading. They cycle through maps, not screenshots. The actual button to do that is just below the screenshots. I think it was better when there were screenshot thumbnails below so you could just click the picture you wanted to see without going through every one.
It seems to me that Tig is experimenting with website features, but I personally prefer a practical layout.
My only question is: was this the original layout or was there a layout design before this one?
All the layout changes have been in order to make a consistent design and navigation across all viewable mediums - well, as much as possible.
I will see what I can do about the screen shot navigation. You do know if you just "click" the screen shot, it will go to the next. The small buttons are only needed for people without Javascript enabled.
@KommissarReb (SW12) : For previous layouts, try: - be aware that some images are missing, but it will give you a good enough idea.
Edit: What size screen are people using? Just want to get an idea as maybe screen size is part of the issue.
P.S. My monitor is 1920x1080, and I've also browsed the website on my iPod touch. The website looks good and functions well on both devices as far as I can tell.
Edited 2.78 minutes after the original posting.
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