Compiling .qvms for my mod
Started by EmeraldTiger
EmeraldTiger Rep. 2629
#1   14 May 2018
Hello everyone. Long time no see.

I've been working on a Quake 3 mod on-and-off as a hobby project during my spare time for a while now. (I'm currently working towards a degree in Computer Science so I mainly do a lot of university-related programming assignments; this mod is just for fun and practice, and I figured with Q3's 20th anniversary coming next year now is a good time as any to release it) I've gotten enough features finished that I'm almost ready to release the first build. Problem is I still need to compile the .qvm files so people on non-Windows systems can run the mod. I've looked up Eraser's tutorial on compiling .qvm files ( and followed it to the letter, but when I go to run the batch files, no .qvm files are generated. I've done a search on my hard drive for .qvm files but nothing shows up. I then tried running it through the command prompt, which does spit out an error telling me it can't find the path specified, but I'm not sure if I'm understanding what it's telling me correctly:

F:\program files (x86)\q3source\testsource2\quake-iii-arena-master\code>rem make sure we have a safe environement

F:\program files (x86)\q3source\testsource2\quake-iii-arena-master\code>set LIBRARY=

F:\program files (x86)\q3source\testsource2\quake-iii-arena-master\code>set INCLUDE=

F:\program files (x86)\q3source\testsource2\quake-iii-arena-master\code>mkdir vm

F:\program files (x86)\q3source\testsource2\quake-iii-arena-master\code>cd vm

F:\Program Files (x86)\Q3Source\testsource2\Quake-III-Arena-master\code\vm>set cc=..\..\..\bin\lcc -DQ3_VM -DCGAME -S -Wf-target=bytecode -Wf-g -I..\..\cgame -I..\..\game -I..\..\q3_ui

F:\Program Files (x86)\Q3Source\testsource2\Quake-III-Arena-master\code\vm>..\..\..\bin\lcc -DQ3_VM -DCGAME -S -Wf-target=bytecode -Wf-g -I..\..\cgame -I..\..\game -I..\..\q3_ui ../g_main.c
The system cannot find the path specified.

F:\Program Files (x86)\Q3Source\testsource2\Quake-III-Arena-master\code\vm>cd ..
PS F:\program files (x86)\q3source\testsource2\quake-iii-arena-master\code>

The above output was for game.bat, and I did check to see if g_main.c exists in my game folder, which it does, so I don't know what the problem is there.The same thing happens when I run the cgame.bat and q3_ui.bat files.

Like in the tutorial, I edited the appropriate lines in the batch files (and prefixed the lines in q3_ui.bat as required), made vm folders in the game, cgame, and q3_ui directories, and copied q3asm.exe, q3cpp.exe, and q3rcc.exe into those vm folders and ran the .bat files, but nothing happens. I've searched Google already and there's only a few threads floating around regarding compiling .qvms, but the advice I've tried elsewhere hasn't worked either. I am using the standard quake 3 source code, not the ioquake3 source. I'm also using Visual Studio 2017 to work with the project. I would definitely appreciate some input from the Q3 source professionals who have exponentially more experience than I do. :)

Thanks a bunch for any assistance in advance - I really look forward to sharing the mod!

EmeraldTiger Rep. 2629
#2   15 May 2018
Well, I managed to generate .qvm files after all. Turns out leaving the batch files unmodified and putting lcc.exe in the vm folder actually made it work for me. Not sure why, but at least I got that out of the way.

EDIT: I had a post mentioning another problem with my mod supposedly not working even though I had the vm's - turned out I accidentally compiled the unmodified source without realizing it XD I got that fixed too though, so all is well.

Edited 1.55 hours after the original posting.

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