Hello. I am having issues with a popping noise in Quake 3 when a lot of sound is happening. I use ioquake3 and UI Enhanced 1.2. I don't know if this is a problem with UIE itself, but when I add 15 bots, all of the shooting, walking, or footstep sounds have a popping noise accompanying it, even when not much of the previously listed sounds are happening at any given time. I have the sound quality on high, and I cant find a fix to this anywhere.
Try lowering volume. If that doesn't help, then perhaps change sound device (speakers, sound card). This isn't software related.
I tried both of your solutions, and neither worked. I doubt it's with volume, because before I add the 15 bots, everything works perfectly. However, after I add the 15 bots, even when I go into an empty room with no bots or gunfire, I still hear the popping sound with every little footstep I make.
Edited 18 seconds after the original posting.
Tig Rep. 2452
#5 05 Dec 2017
Personally, it sounds more like an error with the sound card driver. I would be looking at that first, then settings related to the sound card and Q3.
If the error still exists, try running Q3 without the add-ons and see what happens.
But if it's an error with the sound card driver, then wouldn't it pop all of the time, and not just when I add 15 bots? Regardless, I will try to update my sound drivers, change the settings, and see if any of those things work. When I run the game without any add-ons at all, just vanilla Quake 3, the popping error is gone. Somehow, adding 15 bots corrupts the sound in some way. I also have soundmegs set to 512 megs, if that could be what is causing it.
So what I found was that this was caused from the x64 version of ioquake3, and the error went away when I used the x86 version. Does anyone know why this is? Is the x64 version broken or incomplete?
Tig Rep. 2452
#8 06 Dec 2017
Glad you worked it out. Personally, I would let the ioquake developers know by posting a bug report.
Well, to be fair, I am running a modded version made by Chomenor. Refer to this thread
lvlworld.com/thread/315/20Edited 3.33 minutes after the original posting.