Ghost members?
Started by CZghost
CZghost Rep. 1799
#1   04 Dec 2017
I just happen to cross a profile of newly created member:

He actually set up an avatar of a Quake 3 character, however after more than 30 hours of existence he didn't post anything. Didn't write a comment, didn't ask in forums, nor did he write a review. Didn't vote, didn't add any informations about him, no website was provided. And do you actually think the email address made a user name is real? I believe that there is a lot of these ghost members, and I think this isn't first I've seen there. Much older accounts, with no single information, no comments, no votes, no reviews, nothing.

One theory is they registered and don't know where nor what to do, another is these are bot registers, therefore spam. In fact, I've had serious trouble with spam registrations from email domain on my WordPress page, causing installation of Ban Hammer and adding a spam filter for email domain (so Yahoo users should make another email account, using different domain, thanks to spambots). The e-mail here is suspiciously similar to the ones spam registrations on my websites used... Using a name or nick all lowercase and without separator followed by 3 or 4 digits. It looks so convincing to be believed a real e-mail address, however, when very similar registrations appear to increase, using very similar e-mail address, you start thinking it's not a legit user and therefore you have to delete all the users and ban whole domain, causing inconveniencies for really legit users...

I'd suggest you doing nothing at this time, but monitore the whole thing. This really does seem bad and implementing spam filter (or captcha) for registration sounds like a great idea for future...

Tig Rep. 2422
#2   04 Dec 2017
The member in question is in fact a spam account. Many are blocked automatically, but sometimes they do get through. I was away from my main computer so I was only able to remove the spam the member in question posted to the forum, not the account. I have now removed the member (as I am home again).

..::LvL has a simple and effective anti-spam system. I will not post the details publicly - but if you like, send me an email and I'll share the details with you CZghost.

You are correct in thinking that there are other "ghost" accounts, but some people sign-up because that is what many sites expect you to do. The members then find out they never need to log in, so they do not.

CZghost Rep. 1799
#3   05 Dec 2017
Thank you for info :)

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