Couldn't Reload Quake III Arena/baseq3/PAK0.pk3
Started by myleg123
myleg123 Rep. 110
#61   13 Dec 2017
Every model I tried had very dark lighting. As for the map, here it is
Chomenor Rep. 0
#62   13 Dec 2017
I'm having a hard time reproducing the problem. The models do look dark on pillcity, probably due to the lighting, but they seem to be dark under both my client and the regular ioquake3 one. Did you try the test with all paks removed from baseq3 except pak0-pak8 and pillcity.pk3?
myleg123 Rep. 110
#63   14 Dec 2017
I tried with just the pak0-pak8 files and the pillcity file, and I still have the problem.
It's not just the gun model. All of the players' models are black, including mine and others. I noticed that the models have a tiny bit of lighting, but it's way too dark. I am using the vanilla game, and not UIE. One thing I noticed when I went to the maplist to load the map was that there were maps that I didn't have in my baseq3 folder, such as the osp maps, and 4 other maps called mptourney1, mptourney2, mptourney3, and mptourney4. Could this be a possible culprit? I'm thinking it has something to do with a previously stated issue, where all of the mods that are in the Quake 3 appdata folder showing up in the mod list, even if I don't have them in the game folder.

Edited 1.12 hours after the original posting.

Chomenor Rep. 0
#64   14 Dec 2017
Did you also remove files in %appdata%\Quake3\baseq3 as well, to make sure there really are no files except pak0-pak8 and pillcity.pk3 in any baseq3 folder? Also try setting fs_search_inactive_mods to 0 before starting the map.

The additional maps in the lists are normal and it shouldn't present a problem by itself.

Edited 23 seconds after the original posting.

myleg123 Rep. 110
#65   14 Dec 2017
I did everything you said, and I still have the problem. Though, when I set fs_search_inactive_mods to 0 and deleted the folders in the %appdata%/Quake3 folder, the osp maps went away, and the mptourney maps lost their picture, so they were replaced with the Quake 3 logo.
Chomenor Rep. 0
#66   14 Dec 2017
I suppose you could try deleting the %appdata%\Quake3\fscache.dat file. Or rather, just rename it to something else like fscache2.dat so there is a record in case it turns out it did have something to do with the problem.

Would it be possible to get screenshots that show the difference between the 'broken' and 'working' versions?

myleg123 Rep. 110
#67   14 Dec 2017
I think deleting the fscache.dat file fixed the issue, as I no longer have it.
I also noticed that on the 2nd picture, the lighting of everything else is darker, and less saturated compared to the first picture. I'm still having doubts about the fscache.dat deletion being the thing that fixed it. If I notice it again, I will let you know.
Chomenor Rep. 0
#68   14 Dec 2017
Did you rename the file or have any other way to restore it, so you could put it back and confirm it was indeed the cause?
myleg123 Rep. 110
#69   14 Dec 2017
I deleted the fscache.dat file, and loading the game again made a new one. When I deleted the fscache.dat file, I deleted it along with all of the other files in the %appdata%/Quake3 folder, so it may not have been the fscache.dat file that caused it.
Chomenor Rep. 0
#70   14 Dec 2017
Yes, could be anything then, especially since you probably deleted the main q3config.cfg file as well.
myleg123 Rep. 110
#71   14 Dec 2017
I tried switching to the opengl2 renderer, and I got the problem again. I'm guessing that when I deleted the folders, and subsequently the config files, I made the game switch to opengl1, thus fixing my problem. The source of the problem is without a doubt the opengl2 renderer. Deleting every file in the %appdata%/Quake3 folder sped up the game, too. It is almost the same speed as when I had only around 700 maps.

Edited 1.06 hours after the original posting.

Chomenor Rep. 0
#72   14 Dec 2017
That's similar to what I'm seeing testing on a clean install. Extremely dark models with the opengl2 renderer, and still dark models but not to such an extreme degree with the opengl1 renderer. No difference between the filesystem versions. I guess you were getting a different renderer or different settings for some reason when you used the different filesystem versions, but I'm not sure why that would be if they were running from the same directory.
myleg123 Rep. 110
#73   15 Dec 2017
Either the opengl2 renderer file got corrupted, or something else did. Do you know if the renderer file you sent me with the filesystem enhancement got corrupted? The MD5 hash for both of the files are different, but I don't know what was changed.

Edited 3.57 minutes after the original posting.

Chomenor Rep. 0
#74   15 Dec 2017
The dark models seem to be normal behavior for the opengl2 renderer, so if that is the only issue I don't think a corrupted dll is a factor.
myleg123 Rep. 110
#75   17 Dec 2017
I just sent a bug report to the ioquake3 github, who supplied me with a fix. Here's a link to that thread.
Chomenor Rep. 0
#76   17 Dec 2017
That's great, glad they were able to solve it.

Just a quick note, if you are using my filesystem builds, I'll need to recompile the renderer dlls for the fix to work properly. If you mix the native ioquake3 renderer dlls with my filesystem client it usually runs but is prone to shader precedence issues.

Edited 30 seconds after the original posting.

myleg123 Rep. 110
#77   17 Dec 2017
Ok, I will stay away from mixing new renderer files with your filesystem.
myleg123 Rep. 110
#78   17 Dec 2017
Now I get a new error. When I am playing a CTF match with 15 other bots, I press tab and see that only 13 of the 15 bots have actually connected. When I look in the console, it says "Client 15 failed to connect!" Any fixes?
Chomenor Rep. 0
#79   17 Dec 2017
What is your sv_maxclients setting? Are you using UI Enhanced with my modifications? Are you using bot_minplayers or selecting the bots individually, and if it's the latter can the problem be tied to specific bots that always fail to load?
myleg123 Rep. 110
#80   17 Dec 2017
My sv_maxclients is at 16, and I am using your modifications with UI enhanced. I am selecting the bots individually, and it seems that the same 2 bots always fail to load. However, when I add just those 2 bots to a game, they both work.
Chomenor Rep. 0
#81   18 Dec 2017
I wasn't able to immediately reproduce the problem - when I filled all the slots with bots in the skirmish menu, they all loaded. However, I probably don't have nearly as many bots installed as you do. Even though it's unlikely, one thing to try is to set sv_pure to 0 before starting the match.
myleg123 Rep. 110
#82   18 Dec 2017
When I load the game, the console says I have 304 bots parsed. I have pure server unchecked in the server menu and set sv_pure to 0. Neither of them worked.
Chomenor Rep. 0
#83   18 Dec 2017
I'm a bit short on ideas on this one. I haven't even been able to find a "failed to connect" message string searching the source code for both Q3 and UI Enhanced. Are you sure that was the exact message?
myleg123 Rep. 110
#84   18 Dec 2017 The error is 15 lines down from the top. Don't worry about the list of bots that were added, as those exclamation marks are supposed to be there. They are bots with modified AI. I also tried with different combinations of bots, I still get this error.
Chomenor Rep. 0
#85   18 Dec 2017
Have you considered using a cfg script containing addbot commands to handle adding bots, instead of using the UIE menu? If you could reproduce the problem in that configuration it would be a lot easier to debug.
myleg123 Rep. 110
#86   19 Dec 2017
I'm confused on how to format a script (where to put the commands, double spacing, icons, basically everything) and the forums I found online didn't help much. But, when I added the bots 1 by 1 through the in-game menu, they worked fine. I didn't state this at first, but this only happens when I add the bots from the bots menu, which is in the skirmish submenu, which is in the main menu.

Edited 3.88 hours after the original posting.

Chomenor Rep. 0
#87   19 Dec 2017
The script just contains commands like you would type in the console, each command on its own line. You can see the syntax for the addbot command by typing /addbot in the console while the game is running. A .cfg file to add bots might look something like this, with the numbers being the skill level. You can use the /exec <filename> command to run it.

addbot anarki 2 red
addbot angel 2 red
addbot biker 4 blue

myleg123 Rep. 110
#88   19 Dec 2017
I was not able to reproduce the problem with a script. I added the same bots and used the same map that I used in that screenshot.
myleg123 Rep. 110
#89   22 Dec 2017
I did some testing, and noticed that this only happened on the Team Deathmatch and Capture The Flag gamemodes.
Chomenor Rep. 0
#90   22 Dec 2017
If this is a UIE-specific bug, I would recommend just to use the config file method of adding bots, if that is sufficient for your purposes.

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