Thanks in advance.
It installs fine, but when you go to play it just shows a blank screen and pulling up the console brings many errors.
From what I can tell, whoever made the mod or posted it needs to recognize that the mod has issues. I don't think these are ones you can just fix because your computer had an error. The mod obviously just doesn't work.
I had a similar error experience with Maldavria. Where I heard it was such a great mod, saw screenshots, and all I got was a bunch of missing textures, errors galore, and on top of all of that, crashed whenever I entered. So yeah.
Also feel free to discuss stuff about mods on my other discussion thread is there are any cool mods you want to talk about. I'm open to suggestions. I haven't seen a good SP mod in a while.
The full error message may help and this link has more on the FreeType project:
Man, makes me want to go back to coding that domination gametype I was doing. It's a pretty simple gametype so it can't be too complicated to finish coding.
I was referring to the CD check feature, not CD keys. Like I said though, there's a crack to bypass that irritating-as-hell CD check. Here it is: www.planetquake3.n...ak/q3tools.html . Considering that this game is quite old and Id Software themselves removed CD checking a long time ago, I don't see using this crack as being illegal etc., but Tig, if you don't want me linking to that crack then feel free to delete this post :)
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