Cool Doom 3 Mod: Commander Doom
KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. 2518
#1   19 May 2016
Seeing gameplay footage for the newly released Doom 4 makes me lament that I don't have enough money for it yet. But for those of you who have Doom 3, what do you think of this mod?

These two videos I posted on YT are gameplay footage of this mod that came out around 2007. I just finally figured out how to run D3 in windowed mode to record this with the Bandicam demo.

Tig Rep. 2452
#2   22 May 2016
This is a complex and interesting mod. Looks like they need some decent looking maps :]

PS. Don't mean to hi-jack your thread, but did you ever play my Doom 3 mod, Endarchy?

KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. 2518
#3   22 May 2016
@Tig: Oh yeah! I forgot I can actually play that now that I have Doom 3 (silly me :P) I'll be sure to try it out, but the unique thing that I like about the Commander Doom mod is that its not all about tight enclosed spaces where you're constantly being ambushed in tight dark corridors; instead its wide open ranges of...well rock mostly. But its a nice break from the repetitive, boring campaign that I didn't bother to finish. What is the story behind Endarchy anyway?
Tig Rep. 2452
#4   22 May 2016
I know what you mean by corridor fighting in D3.

You will have to play Endarchy for the story :]

KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. 2518
#5   23 May 2016
Have played a bit of Endarchy. To be honest, its not my cup of tea. I like the somewhat early industrial textures, but it feels too similar to playing the Doom 3 campaign. Do you know of any maps or mods that have more open area fighting?
Tig Rep. 2452
#6   25 May 2016
Thanks heaps for taking the time to check out Endarchy. Not sure how far you got but there are a few open areas throughout the campaign. The final battle is also in a large "outside" space. There is a lot of close fighting too :]

To be honest I've only played a few mods / custom maps with D3. I think the D3 tech suits indoor areas best (mostly due to the stencil shadow system) which is why there are not many large open spaces with that engine.

If you have Quake, check out func_msgboard - - lots of great Single Player stuff is released there.

KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. 2518
#7   25 May 2016
Sure it suits indoor areas best, but there are some functions that could be used for outside areas. This trains map is a good example of this: I had fun with playing that map with spawned monsters on my side and fighting me with "team 0" at the end of the spawn_monster [sic] command here.

I have Quake and reinstalled EZQuake after a few years of not playing, but I've been getting issues with the game crashing when trying to play Team Fortress :( But playing with bots hasn't been a problem, but my settings keep resetting even though I tried everything to keep it from doing that.

Tig Rep. 2452
#8   25 May 2016
The Quake config reset is possibly due to an unbind line somewhere or an exec call in the start up or even the lack of one. Could be tricky to find but not impossible.

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