It looks like there was a November 21st build of Q3A...
Locked, Started by Colton
Colton Rep. 397
#1   10 Apr 2016
In the pak0.pk3, there is a games.log that has a possible clue to the November 21st build of Q3A. Obviously, it was 1.11. Here's the full games.log:
games.log wrote:
2:21 ------------------------------------------------------------
2:21 InitGame: \capturelimit\8\g_maxGameClients\0\gamename\baseq3\bot_minplayers\0\sv_floodProtect\1\sv_maxRate\0\sv_maxclients\8\sv_hostname\noname\sv_privateClients\0\mapname\q3ctf1\protocol\43\g_gametype\0\timelimit\0\fraglimit\10\dmflags\0\version\Q3 1.11 win-x86 Nov 21 1999
2:21 ClientConnect: 0
2:21 ClientUserinfoChanged: 0 n\Xaero\t\0\model\xaero\c1\4\hc\70\w\0\l\0\skill\2
2:21 ClientBegin: 0
2:21 ClientConnect: 1
2:21 ClientUserinfoChanged: 1 n\UnnamedPlayer\t\0\model\sarge\c1\4\hc\100\w\0\l\0
2:22 ClientBegin: 1
2:25 Item: 0 item_armor_body
2:27 ShutdownGame:
2:27 ------------------------------------------------------------
2:27 ------------------------------------------------------------
2:27 InitGame: \capturelimit\8\g_maxGameClients\0\gamename\baseq3\bot_minplayers\0\sv_floodProtect\1\sv_maxRate\0\sv_maxclients\8\sv_hostname\noname\sv_privateClients\0\mapname\q3ctf2\protocol\43\g_gametype\0\timelimit\0\fraglimit\10\dmflags\0\version\Q3 1.11 win-x86 Nov 21 1999
2:27 ClientConnect: 0
2:27 ClientUserinfoChanged: 0 n\Xaero\t\0\model\xaero\c1\4\hc\70\w\0\l\0\skill\2
2:27 ClientBegin: 0
2:27 ClientConnect: 1
2:27 ClientUserinfoChanged: 1 n\UnnamedPlayer\t\0\model\sarge\c1\4\hc\100\w\0\l\0
2:27 ClientBegin: 1
2:33 Item: 0 weapon_shotgun
2:33 ShutdownGame:
2:33 ------------------------------------------------------------
2:33 ------------------------------------------------------------
2:33 InitGame: \capturelimit\8\g_maxGameClients\0\gamename\baseq3\bot_minplayers\0\sv_floodProtect\1\sv_maxRate\0\sv_maxclients\8\sv_hostname\noname\sv_privateClients\0\mapname\q3ctf3\protocol\43\g_gametype\0\timelimit\0\fraglimit\10\dmflags\0\version\Q3 1.11 win-x86 Nov 21 1999
2:34 ClientConnect: 0
2:34 ClientUserinfoChanged: 0 n\Xaero\t\0\model\xaero\c1\4\hc\70\w\0\l\0\skill\2
2:34 ClientBegin: 0
2:34 ClientConnect: 1
2:34 ClientUserinfoChanged: 1 n\UnnamedPlayer\t\0\model\sarge\c1\4\hc\100\w\0\l\0
2:34 ClientBegin: 1
2:36 Item: 0 ammo_rockets
2:41 ShutdownGame:
2:41 ------------------------------------------------------------
2:41 ------------------------------------------------------------
2:41 InitGame: \capturelimit\8\g_maxGameClients\0\gamename\baseq3\bot_minplayers\0\sv_floodProtect\1\sv_maxRate\0\sv_maxclients\8\sv_hostname\noname\sv_privateClients\0\mapname\q3ctf4\protocol\43\g_gametype\0\timelimit\0\fraglimit\10\dmflags\0\version\Q3 1.11 win-x86 Nov 21 1999
2:41 ClientConnect: 0
2:41 ClientUserinfoChanged: 0 n\Xaero\t\0\model\xaero\c1\4\hc\70\w\0\l\0\skill\2
2:41 Item: 0 ammo_shells
2:41 Item: 0 weapon_shotgun
2:41 Item: 0 ammo_bullets
2:41 Item: 0 ammo_bullets
2:41 ClientBegin: 0
2:41 ClientConnect: 1
2:41 ClientUserinfoChanged: 1 n\UnnamedPlayer\t\0\model\sarge\c1\4\hc\100\w\0\l\0
2:42 Item: 1 ammo_shells
2:42 Item: 1 weapon_shotgun
2:42 Item: 1 ammo_bullets
2:42 Item: 1 ammo_bullets
2:42 ClientBegin: 1
2:44 ShutdownGame:
2:44 ------------------------------------------------------------
Colton Rep. 397
#2   11 Apr 2016
Oh, & did I also mention that Q3A went "gold" the same day Pokémon Gold/Silver was released in Japan? What a coincidence... XD
leilei Rep. 443
#3   11 Apr 2016
Nothing special about that. ALL of the files in pak0.pk3 carry the Nov 21 timestamp. It did not go gold on Nov 21, but Nov 23, and v1.11 was the initial release build.

You're chasing after debugging symbols.

Edited 11.65 minutes after the original posting.

Colton Rep. 397
#4   13 Apr 2016
Fragistics (@ could show webpages about the activities shown here.
If only I knew how to make a bit of text a link :(
Here's an example:
Another example:
Also Q3Logger can do that too. & it seems Fragistics is based on the Q3Logger source code.

Edited 48.53 minutes after the original posting.

Colton Rep. 397
#5   14 Jun 2016
leilei, it actually went gold on the 24th of November, not the 23rd.
leilei Rep. 443
#6   14 Jun 2016
November 23, 1999 - Santa Monica, Calif. - Activision today announced that Quake III Arena has gone gold. Developed by id Software, Quake III Arena is the third installment of one of the most popular computer game franchises of all time and is designed to be the final word in online multiplayer mayhem. The title, which was sent into manufacturing today, is expected to hit retail shelves on Dec. 12, 1999 at a suggested price of $49.99.

Official press release > your stupid unfounded beta delusions

Edited 35 seconds after the original posting.

Tig Rep. 2452
#7   14 Jun 2016
Thread is now locked. Nothing good will come of this discussion. Thinking about even removing the thread but there is some interesting info included.

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