How to edit .QVM files without screwing up the game?
Started by gooball
gooball Rep. 1161
#1   29 Apr 2011
Hey. I am currently working on a map for the Entity Plus mod. And I was thinking of I could possibly make a new weapon. I have all the media for it: sound, model, explosion, and am still working the the ammo box. But, I wanted to edit the QVM files to make it shoot faster, assign the models and sounds, ect. When I try it in game, it says BASEQ3 MISMATCH or something like that. (?????) Any ideas???
Tig Rep. 2422
#2   29 Apr 2011
The BASEQ3 MISMATCH message is from having the 'client' and 'server' code out of sync. Even when playing in single player mode, you are starting a server then joining it.

To add a new weapon you will need to edit and compile the source game code. Here are some steps for adding a 'flame thrower' to the game. You will need to tweak these to suit your weapon however, but that should not be hard.

Good luck! If you get it working, be sure to post a link or some details.

gooball Rep. 1161
#3   29 Apr 2011
Thanks! If this works, I'll post it :D
gooball Rep. 1161
#4   30 Apr 2011
lol Im having i little trouble with compiling...
Tig Rep. 2422
#5   30 Apr 2011
What you need to do is post a lot more details :] There is no way in the world anyone could help you with what you have posted above.

The first thing you need to do is to make sure you can compile the source code without changes. Once you can compile the default code, then you can make the changes.

But people need details before they can help. For example, I don't even know if you have compile the default code. Error messages are a very good choice along with some (or a lot) of the details about what you have changed.

KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. 2518
#6   05 Jun 2011
If you are making a new weapon like a flamethrower, All I gotta say is-I just HAVE to try that map out.
Edited 49 seconds after the original posting.
Edited 12.01 days after the original posting.

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