Help with Mapping: CTF, AAS and Music Problems
Started by Gustavo6046
Gustavo6046 Rep. 0
#1   14 May 2015
Hello everybody, again! I have been doing some "things" with GTKRadiant and came up with a level codenamed gusq3ctf1 but called "Floating Cramping". I end up with the following PK3, but I have three problems which I'll show later.
Mega -
Well, the problems are:
1 - I seemingly can't define its gametype to CTF. The final build's test I didn't loaded the map, but when I put one info.player_deathmatch entity, it ran, but the flags disappear. How can I alter one map's gamemode in GTKRadiant?
2 - Compiling AAS took much time and resulted with message "The connection timed out, assuming the BSP process failed. Make sure you are using an networked version of Q3Map? Otherwise you need to disable BSP Monitoring in prefs." What is Q3Map? How can I pass this problem? I didn't made anything wrong!
3 - I put my music called "Quaking the Earth" in the Sounds folder, but I don't know how to put it into the map. There could have been a button labeled "Level Options" where you can simply select the music, name, etc that is global about a map. How to put music in the maps? Do you approve my "Level Options" idea?
Gustavo6046 Rep. 0
#2   14 May 2015
New: I made an new map, based in three-point clipping, and using the grenade's bouncing properties to make use of the most irregular angles:
Codename: gusq3dm1
Name: Inside the Giant Diagonal Ramp
CZghost Rep. 1799
#3   16 May 2015
  1. When building CTF map, you must use CTF spawn entities (can be accessed via team_CTF entities) There are player spawns at the start of the game and respawn points. Starting points should be placed in bases (corresponding team color to corresponding base), respawn points can be place eighter in base and further in perimeters and neutral locations, just keep it at the team base side of the map. Deathmatch spawn point is required only for Personal Teleporter as developers forgot to fix the hardcode for the PT in CTF games where DM spawn is not accessed by normal respawn.
  1. If you tick BSP monitoring, compiler (q3map2 and bspc) will be running in network mode - which is bad if you do not run network on your computer. Disable it and everything should be fine. Q3Map is basicaly q3map2 - compiler that takes your raw map file and translates it to BSP binary file that contains geometry textures and collisions, visibility and lighting (lightmap). BSP file is the one that is running in Quake 3, not MAP file.
  1. First you might insert the music file in music folder, not sounds. Second worldspawn entity contains music key that you can bind the music file to be played. This is the only right choise to include music in your map. To access worldspawn options, just select normal brush of worldspawn (in 2D view it should be black contour) and hit N. Then type in key music and in value path to your music file (it is token from root directory of PK3 file, so you must include also the folder music, if you put it there).

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