Is it possible to implement the ability for members to remove their own comments? I think this should happen so we can remove comments so we don't need to ask every time or make a report that may get ignored/missed. Feedback?
Originally, I did not want people to make a comment, then remove it as sometimes the comment creates, is part of or starts a conversation, and if that comment is removed the conversation seems broken when read.
Now that there is a Reputation system, it makes more sense to allow people with a certain level of Rep to remove their comments.
By the way SW12, you will only be able to remove the comments you made when you where logged in. The older comments you made before you signed up will still need to be removed by myself.
Sometimes conversations become broken anyway, when comments are edited, or when you deleted comments because they were either spamming, or really profane. I'm suggesting this implementation so I could remove comments I made that I consider superfluous, such as here: But I get what you're saying.
That's fine. I suggest the ability to remove comments so people can do it on their own, without you needing to do it every time, because I figure it will save you time in the process. But yeah, there were some comments I posted when I was 13-14 years old that are just plain embarrassing to read now. I've been downloading maps from here a year before that, but I didn't start commenting until mid-2010.
Not 100% certain I know what you mean, but I'm guessing its that people who have a high rep. wont need to worry much about losing too much reputation points for removing their comments. Most comments members post aren't even noticed to be given reputation anyway. But then there are members who do deserve a low reputation, who could restore their rep. by deleting comments that got negative reputation. But then you have people like who have a high rep, but only got that from doing low-quality reviews. I dunno how I managed to get the highest reputation when I didn't really contribute to this site with any maps.
Removing a comment will not adjust your Rep level either.
Unfortunately this forum post comes in the form of a complaint.
Recently I questioned a member's disagreeing with my comment, because I could not see anything in the comment that did not reflect the map and queried as to what the disagreement was over.
Well this has now resulted in the said member spamming all my comments by disagreeing with them in a show of spite.
Not only is the spite frustrating but the act is also disheartening in the fact the member has clearly not played on many of these maps (well at least not from this site) because they have not been downloaded or voted on by the member. This just further support my case for the act being an act of spite. Panopticon by Redfella is one example.
I am sorry to have to bring this to your attention, but without naming names, I'd like to report the person for abuse of the comments feature and ask if a peaceful resolution to the issue could be arranged. I would have approached the individual directly but it appears we don't have a messaging facility on member profiles (probably a good thing seeing as you might not be able to moderate private disputes). I'm quite happy to discuss or debate the merits of a level with anyone but not if they are not going to be open to the dialogue.
Thanks in Advance.
Edited 17.47 hours after the original posting.
Edited 17.61 hours after the original posting.
People with a low reputation can now disagree only once every 24 hours. They can change their disagree vote within that 24 hour period by removing the previous vote first.
There will be change to the disagree "value" from -10 to -2. This is a bigger change as I need to reverse the values that have already been historically cast first.
An email has been sent to this member asking them to remove their spite votes. I have notify them of the changes as well.
A Disagree now awards -2 reputation. An Agree vote will still award +10.
Members with a low reputation can only down vote once every 24 hours. If they want, they can change their disagree vote after removing their earlier disagree vote.
All previous Disagree votes have been changed from -10 to -2. You may have noticed this correction on your own reputation.
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