Guess Who's Back!
Started by FragTastic
FragTastic Rep. 2467
#1   14 Jan 2015
Yup, I'm back! It's probably been a while since I was last on here but I have been playing Quake of course, there is no life without Quake my friends.

It's great to be back ya'll!

KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. 2518
#2   15 Jan 2015
Your back and black!...uhh... I mean in black...hmm...
...nevermind. You still posting maps? I'd do it but I gave up with the map editor, and I have limited time nowadays.
FragTastic Rep. 2467
#3   15 Jan 2015
I stopped mapping for a while due to time at college and well life of course but I'm actually planning to release a map some time in a few months, it's still in the planning stage but I'm hoping I can get my map out there in I'd say 3-4 months. But I have to say, it's gonna be a vast improvement to my first one.

Edited 26 seconds after the original posting.

CZghost Rep. 1799
#4   16 Jan 2015
Good to se ya again. Will you vote for new maps at least if not make them?
FragTastic Rep. 2467
#5   16 Jan 2015
Wow you guys really wanna see a new map but like I said, I'm currently planning for a new map and hoping it gets released in a few months time. I will be voting for these new maps, yes haha.
FistMarine Rep. 2532
#6   31 Jan 2015
Hey there FragTastic! Welcome back! I also need to visit this time more often, lol.
FragTastic Rep. 2467
#7   31 Jan 2015
Thanks FistMarine! Aha it's good to see you back aswell I guess, I spend more time playing VQ3 than visit here which I do need to improve on haha.

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