Keep Track Of Your Online Q3 Stats!
Started by FragTastic
FragTastic Rep. 2467
#1   31 Jul 2014
Hi Guys!
If you guys play online and want to know what rank you are on the servers you play, or just to see what scores you have made in the past weeks or days you've been playing, then visit this website This website allows you to look at your scores when playing online and lets you track down the scores of the games you've played. Check out the server which I'm mostly on and join me sometimes! I'm known as xFM/MajorX so check out the rankings!! :)
leilei Rep. 443
#2   01 Aug 2014
FragTastic Rep. 2467
#3   01 Aug 2014
Haha! It's one of the best Game tracking sites there is around. It scans the servers you play on every 2-3 minutes so you can stay updated easily and quickly. Not only does it track Q3, but other games aswell like Minecraft, UT2004, UT3 etc..
CZghost Rep. 1799
#4   02 Aug 2014
Since I do not play VQ3, nor any other mod online this information is a waste for me. I play online only Quake Live, but game tracker is directly on the game's websites ;-*
FragTastic Rep. 2467
#5   02 Aug 2014
@CZGhost: I'm on QL too but rarely play on it. I've probably been on QL around about let's say 7 times and haven't logged on since. I prefer VQ3 since it runs faster and smoother for me and most of my clan members are active on VQ3 so it's better for me really.
CZghost Rep. 1799
#6   02 Aug 2014
I do not play Quake Live, too. And yes, it gets laggy for some time, but not much as I get lagged on VQ3 servers and I'm pretty sure there won't be much VQ3 servers running since Quake Live now gets more popular as it has separated launcher now, which supports for faster game than previous in-browser bulit addon. Note that I have re-registered after my inactive account disappeared, so I have no matches, nor favourites and awards displayed :D I will only login to practice some frags or just when an email about account idle will come, I will rarely play online since I have not much fast computer. The situation is that now I save some money for new CPU, the old Pentium 4 gets slower and slower, even Windows gets choppy when I need to change attributes / permissions or just delete some files. I will go to a small PC market for new CPU at Monday, hope they will have supported dual-core for me :/ Besides that, I never play VQ3 online, I run Quake 3 only for testing maps newly created. I played Quake 3 years ago when I had only basic Quake 3 v1.32c installed, slightly a half year after then I doscovered the magic of custom maps. Then one czech player linked me to Quake Live. That's my Quake history. Oh, I forgot: First I played Quake 3 as demo version, which had only four arenas and no CTF has been included. Then I wanted to play full version, so I found some sites where was a download of full updated version without key however, which I had to buy. I'm sure that this game is no longer sold in game markets and it will become a huge target of free downloads with cracks. ID Software just focus on Quake Live and other "nowaday" games and his old games like Quake 1, Quake 2, Doom or Doom 2 just get abandoned these days. Maybe also Doom 3 and Quake 4 will become abandoned in near future. Quake 3 lives only from new maps that are created by third-party designers (and I'm the one of them). If noone created any map for that game, it should die far far in the past. So hope there will be more level designers that will keep this old game alive to be played ;)
FragTastic Rep. 2467
#7   02 Aug 2014
Actually there are 78 servers still alive on VQ3 and most of them have 10-20 players online during the day at around 5PM BST. And Yes the servers do get laggy at some points but tends to calm itself down a little. My ping always stays at 63 but sometimes raises so high up to 236 which means I literally can't control my system. The servers tend to lag because of the huge amounts of players active at one time on the same servers but still I love my VQ3 servers :).

Edited 35 seconds after the original posting.

leilei Rep. 443
#8   03 Aug 2014
Haha! It's one of the best Game tracking sites there is around. It scans the servers you play on every 2-3 minutes so you can stay updated easily and quickly. Not only does it track Q3, but other games aswell like Minecraft, UT2004, UT3 etc..

It's not an opt-in service. In a world where people don't want to be tracked, I'm surprised how gamers find it acceptable, especially the more invasive implementations found and run by community servers.

Yes, even OA suffers from this problem. I don't play OA online. I was even part of a TF2 clan that died after stats were enabled on their own server.

I'm sure that this game is no longer sold in game markets and it will become a huge target of free downloads with cracks

Quake III Arena is still available for purchase on Steam. It was even available there when you started 'obtaining' it years ago.

Edited 32.53 minutes after the original posting.

KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. 2518
#9   03 Aug 2014
@leilei: I guess FragTastic posted this for anybody who does. Though I would rather not spend my time fretting over my stats for just one game I play, when I have a lot to do to prepare for an upcoming higher education. (unless video game design ends up as my major)

@FragTastic: I don't understand why someone would want to be tracked though. I could pretty much find a good server for a game myself without an automated website finding it for me. And the idea that I'm being tracked makes me feel uneasy, but that may be attributed with all of the malware, spyware, and adware that I have dealt with in the past. I kind of feel that keeping track of people's stats is a good way of showing which players are more competent and what their good/bad points are, but at the same time people tend to focus more on stats than the game itself when they do play a game.

FragTastic Rep. 2467
#10   04 Aug 2014
@KommissarReb (SW12): The people who sign up for the site are mostly members in clans because they like to compare scores with one another and really just find competition against other clan. I understand that peope may feel uneasy but it's just a score tracker. I know because I'm in a clan myself and all my members have a Gametracker account because they track their scores but I've never really seen or heard anyone who is uncomfortable being tracked online. In my opinion, it kind of boost up levels of players activity and competition really.

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