+20 Rep for reviews
Started by Tig
Tig Rep. 2452
#1   11 Mar 2013
If you submit a review and it gets published, you will now get +20 rep.

This feature has just been added retrospectively, which is why a few of you may have noticed a sudden increase to your Rep :]

CZghost Rep. 1799
#2   11 Mar 2013
Yes, I have noticed just when opened someone's profile and seen +20 for review :D Then looked on my profile and reputation 255 now appeared...

One notice before: vortexbeast has collected 100 reputatuion points just by voting :o
I know he had 10 reputation points in the negative (one of his comment was downvoted), so he has voted for 110 maps to get high reputation value. Please, check his votes if they accord to the quality of maps. If not, it should be able to decrease his reputation manualy (or just simply by removing his untrue votes)... If all his votes follow quality, his unbeliveably high reputation he has collected in single day should stay... I just don't believe he means the votes with so majority, so I'd just to check his vote quality...

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