Australian Bushfires
Started by Kyall
Kyall Rep. 477
#1   09 Jan 2013
Hey everyone in Australia, just wondering how you are all going with the bushfires? I was in one of the catastrophic fire hazard zones, and I had a major bushfire only 8km south of my place. Honestly thought I was a goner when the southerly change came in last night, but the firefighters must of had it under control. Anyone else affected by the bushfires?
Tig Rep. 2452
#2   09 Jan 2013
Wow! Glad to hear everything turned out fine.

We have been very lucky so far. No fires near by at all. How hot was it last night! It was still 31c at 1:30am at my house.

Not sure if people know about it, but this is a pretty good map of the issue:

Kyall Rep. 477
#3   09 Jan 2013
Haha yes it was pretty lucky :D The temperature is a massive drop from yesterday. It was 43c at my house yesterday, and 23c now. Did you hear about the Deans Gap fire? That was the one near me. It got pushed east to Wandandian and Sussex Inlet, but it's only a Watch and Act zone now (which is strange because there were apparently fires on both sides of the Princes Highway when it was announced?). Thanks for that map, looks pretty handy to me!
Tig Rep. 2452
#4   09 Jan 2013
Yer, that little yellow "Watch and Act" icon is not very realistic compared to the photo in this news post:
Kyall Rep. 477
#5   09 Jan 2013
Hmm yeah I'll agree with you there. Luckily that's not how it is at the moment, that fire was out of control at first.
KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. 2518
#6   09 Jan 2013
There are days when I wish I could afford to travel. WTF is going on over there?
themuffinator Rep. 1064
#7   10 Jan 2013
Wouldn't mind moving to Australia if I could. From Perth to Sydney it looks like an incredible place to live in. Over there you've only got to put up with fires, venomous snakes/spiders and slimy, good-for-nothing liberals but over here we've got massive unemployment, sky-rocketing violent crime levels, a criminal president who is destined to become a dictator and - as Genocide Watch will confirm - a civil war on the horizon.

Back to the fire, if your summer is anything like ours I'm not surprised there are major fires. It's goddamn smouldering hot here!
Edited 54 seconds after the original posting.

KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. 2518
#8   10 Jan 2013
@themuffinator: You had me on venomous spiders.
Kyall Rep. 477
#9   10 Jan 2013
Strange, I replied before but it didn't post. Well anyway, has anyone heard the latest on the Deans Gap fire in my area? They have realized that there is a former military bombing range only 1km away from the fire, and there are unexploded ordinates scattered across the range still. More info about it in the link in the #3 comment by Tig above, that is, if the news isn't updated before then.
Tig Rep. 2452
#10   18 Jan 2013
Another hot one today. Reached 45.5c (106.7f) at my place today!

Some more info here for others:

KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. 2518
#11   18 Jan 2013
And it is supposed to be Winter?

The end of the world has yet to come. Thanks global warming for making that possible! sarcasm

PaN61 Rep. 503
#12   18 Jan 2013
And it is supposed to be Winter?

It's Summer here in Australia and I believe for the rest of the Southern Hemisphere as well.

CZghost Rep. 1799
#13   19 Jan 2013
Wow, that's something :) I know it looks like talking about a shit, but here in Czech Republic we have strongly icy air as compared to the eastnorthen wind blowing from Sibir side. It's just a way too cold at the morning so I have to keep moving when going to school :) I've never been to Australia so I never felt the summer in January :)

@Rebmarine: PaN61 is right, Australia lies on soutern hemisphere so it's normal the heat in January there...

@Tig: You live in Sydney? Have you ever been to the opera house? Just pure curiousness :)
It looks like boats compared together for me. Anyway it's nice building :)

KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. 2518
#14   19 Jan 2013
@CZghost & PaN61: Well, I am aware of the different teperatures and climates it would be like seasonally around the world, however I noticed that ever since last year the winters just aren't cold as they used to be in the east coast of the USA. Also last Summer here we had this awful drought which was a nightmare going through; especially the huge dog flea infestations and the crops in the farms dying from a lack of water.
Edited 39 seconds after the original posting.
Tig Rep. 2452
#15   19 Jan 2013
I live north of Sydney now but spent a lot of time in Sydney when I was at University and working in the city. Sydney has a lot more going for it besides the Opera House, but the Opera House sure stands out.
Kyall Rep. 477
#16   19 Jan 2013
Wow, it was pretty hot here too. Apparently it reached roughly 50c in Nowra, which is only about 20km north of where I live, but it got to 45c where I live. Still pretty damn hot though. The temperature now though is 21c and overcast, so it's a very nice change :D Also, did anyone else get those crazy southerly change winds? It came out of nowhere, then it went nuts lol.

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