What happened to EntityPlus?
Started by gooball
gooball Rep. 1161
#1   01 Jan 2013
There haven't been any major changes to EntityPlus since around July 2012, anyone know whats going on? I am a contributor to EntityPlus but I don't want to do anything to it until Eraser does something to it.
Tig Rep. 2452
#2   01 Jan 2013
Like most software, people only update it if there is a need to. Also, as good as EntityPlus is, there does not seem to be many people using it.

Personally, I think EntityPlus a great project and really hope some people pick it up and start making some great stuff with it.

There are a number of open issues with the code base, you could always patch / fix those issues - and you do have commit rights :]

themuffinator Rep. 1064
#3   01 Jan 2013
gooball, why didn't you post this question in Q3W's forums? You know that's where Eraser hangs around.

Last I heard was he was happy with the project in its current state, or something to that degree. I was contemplating adding a few features myself that I've already got most of the code for (save game feature; flexible, map-controlled weapon and ammo sets, etc.) but it's rather low on my to-do list.

Eraesr Rep. 430
#4   08 Apr 2013
heh, I just noticed this and thought I'd just go ahead and reply.
Nothing "happened" to the mod. It's still right where it was. There haven't been any updates because of a number of reasons. First of all, I've been very busy with a number of things the last year, including some other programming related projects which have been more interesting than EntityPlus to me. The second reason is that there doesn't seem to be any need for an update. The number of maps created with the mod has been somewhat disappointing, with only myself and deqer creating a map for the mod. Any effort I put into the mod will probably just go unnoticed and unused.

I've said many times before that if someone has a feature request, I'd be happy to implement it if time permits, but I'd like to see some more maps being created before I pick up work on the mod again. For what it's worth, I've recently picked up work on an unfinished EntityPlus map I was working on before, so I hope that I can finish and release that soon-ish.

CZghost Rep. 1799
#5   08 Apr 2013
What about func_door? Is it possible to implement height keyword in the entity properties? It's not really clear where the lip ends (at worldspawn face edge or at entity's (any) brush face edge?)... It may be the same as at func_plat...
themuffinator Rep. 1064
#6   09 Apr 2013
What about func_door? Is it possible to implement height keyword in the entity properties? It's not really clear where the lip ends (at worldspawn face edge or at entity's (any) brush face edge?)... It may be the same as at func_plat...

distance = (width or height of brushes in entity) - lip
What's unclear about that?

Edited 1.73 minutes after the original posting.

Tig Rep. 2452
#7   09 Apr 2013
@CZGhost: For a func_door there is no need to add a height option as it is already supported.

Set the angle to -1 and you now have a door that will move up and down. You can also use negative numbers for the distance - this will move the func_door in the opposite direction.

CZghost Rep. 1799
#8   11 Apr 2013
I don't mean the right meaning of height, but the meaning of height as an entity key (as it is at func_plat, basicaly some distance from spawning point, in any direction...)
themuffinator Rep. 1064
#9   11 Apr 2013
If you want a 128 unit brush to travel a distance of 112 units, your suggestion implies that you could set the height key to 112. But that's not necessary since you can already just set a lip of 16 and achieve the exact same result. height is the distance you want the door to travel, lip is the distance that you don't want it to travel, so what's confusing about lip?
CZghost Rep. 1799
#10   12 Apr 2013
@themuffinator: I don't know, where the lip ends. Compared to worldspawn face or to nearest entity face? Good to know the height key works for doors (usable with elevators)... Confusing is the height key is not listed in list of supported keys in the radiant for func_door.
JADscratch Rep. 525
#11   28 May 2014
Hey, to me, programming for this mod is all cool and all, but I'm the kinda guy who wantsta delve straight into the action with this mod. Personally, I love this mod, I honestly do. Sure, I got DeFRag, ExcessivePlus, OSP, the whole shin-dig. BUT, I really like EntityPlus mostly because you can create so many good storylines and adventure modes to Q3A. Eraser, I would REALLY like to know when this unfinished map will be completed, since my curiosity is at a high now. And really, to get this mod off the ground more, I guess something as simple as a re-intro on the main page here on lvlworld.com could start a spark. Just tossing that out there! :D

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