Single texture maps
Started by leilei
leilei Rep. 443
#1   09 Aug 2012
What are some maps that creatively use a single texture (lightmaps not counted)? I know there's at least one out there.

This is because I want to test texture switching performance with various content and hardware so I can optimize my stuff.

Tig Rep. 2452
#2   09 Aug 2012
I'm not sure there are any with just one texture, but there are a number of maps with just a few textures. Just quickly, these are:
  • Ludonarrative Dissonance by Lunaran
  • Chicken White by dONKEY
  • Q3SOD2 by Ney (defrag map)
  • Orichalciane by Scorn (maybe!)
  • blueray by Bret C. Sheppard
  • Glassy Blue Labirinth by Pasquake
  • Reise Rei/se by Master Jed
  • Processor by Pasquake
  • suboptimal by thefury
and ...
  • Tigger-oN Goes Q*bert (two main textures, but both are shaders)
CZghost Rep. 1799
#3   12 Aug 2012
Or the newly reviewed level Onion...
leilei Rep. 443
#4   29 Jun 2013
Thanks. I forgot to post that and the resulting analysis of why I seeked a map with minimal texturing.

Tig Rep. 2452
#5   30 Jun 2013
That is a pretty interesting image. I assume it is a "map" of all the images stored in video memory or something similar. Either way, it would be nice to know more about what you are up to :]
themuffinator Rep. 1064
#6   05 Jul 2013
r_showImages 1 ^^^

Having dabbled around the code for quite a while now myself it's astounding how many unnecessary assets gets cached in vanilla Q3, like footstep sounds, some powerup and weapon sounds and a bunch of gametype-specific stuff (especially in TA). leilei is that vanilla Q3 that I see? What happened to OA? :P

leilei Rep. 443
#7   07 Jul 2013
It's more of a study of "what to avoid" regarding Q3A's inefficiencies. It is painful to see that the rocket model uses so many redundant textures, as well as the rocket launcher itself (I think that extra texture is used for the LOD). However Q3Test is much much far worse regarding texture switching. Most of these could easily fit on one 256x256 which is enough for the 3dfx cards of the time. There's also some unused textures, such as the sun texture loaded for a dummied out DrawSun feature, the blue ring precached through the plasma impact md3's texture path and the explosion precached through the explosion md3 texture path.

It's a shame id Tech 3 didn't come with a tcMod atlas/page function. That would have helped immensely. In the meantime I can only sort of simulate that by having two stages and a tcMod scale 0.5 0.5 + tcMod stretch square 0 -1 for going through a 4 panel atlas texture with alphaGen or rgbGen flipping between the two stages.

It does involve OA - its media reboot anyway. OA sucks far worse for texture wastage, it's embarrassing. For that big 23 texture explosion sequence I do that 2 stage blending theory with one image (unanimated through 23 shaders :( ), and all the ammo boxes use one texture including the ammo symbols they have. I also put 4 subtractive blend marks on one image with a tcMod scale 0.5, -0.5, etc.

Edited 4.35 minutes after the original posting.

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