Chromos Propaganda
Title : Chromos Propaganda
PK3 Name : ex3ctf1.pk3
Date : 10th Jan 2001
Author : Equino-x Forever
Email Address : **email removed**
Home Page : **invalid URL**
ICQ : 6493521
MSN Messenger : **email removed**
Misc. Author Info :

Description : Battle Isle theme CTF maps

Additional Thanks to : SuRi - Cauldron Ltd. ( SuRi or Carmack? SuRi )
Andreas - Blue Byte ( Thanx for all )
Tim Willits - id Software ( Hi Tim )
Bludr - Praha ( Clovjece kdy prijedes do Bratislavy :)
SeMish - Microsoft Slovakia ( NOLF is Rulez )
SaNo - Excellent guy in Counter Strike (You terrorist sanamas!)
Dave - My big boss

Cauldron Ltd.
Blue Byte Software
id Software

Previous Work : 23/02/00 - ex3dm1 (Q3A) - Gauntlet III
24/05/99 - eq2dm4 (Q2) - Gauntlet II - 3rd place in magazine GameStar
03/04/99 - eq2dm3 (Q2) - Brain
23/03/99 - eq2dm2 (Q2) - Gauntlet
03/01/99 - eq2dm1 (Q2) - Storage Zone-X1
04/03/98 - eqx-kill (DOOM 2) - Equino-X Deathmatch Pack (7 maps)
--/06/96 - lwfirst (DOOM) - The Lost Worlds - full first epizode (9 levels)

Where to get these levels: **invalid URL**


* Play Information *

Game : Quake 3
Bot Match : Route Included
Deathmatch : 1on1, 2on2, 3on3
Capture The Flag : Yes

* MAP Information *

BSP Name : maps/ex3ctf1.bsp
Shader Name : scripts/equinox_ctf.shader
Textures : textures/common
Extra LIGHT : Yes

* Construction *

New Textures : Yes
New Shaders : Yes
New Models : Yes, Portal, Lamp and Devastator Launcher( very big sanamas ;)
New Sounds : Yes
Construction Time : 1 week
Editor used : Q3Radiant (build 202)
Qutilities : Q3MAP
Other utilities : BSPC, Photoshop
!Advice : High Quality Sky must by active in these version: 1.11 and higher.

* Copyright / Permissions *

All original and composed textures in this level remain property of
the sources respective owners.

All original and edited shaders in this level remain property of
the sources respective owners.

You may NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels and
MAY use the textures and shaders but give credit where credit is due.

You MAY distribute this PK3 in any electronic format (BBS, Internet,
CD, etc) as long as you contact me first, include all files intact in
the original archive, and send me a free copy (if it's a CD :) Thanks.

* Where to get this level *

**invalid URL**
