Degree of Power
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Title - Degree of Power
Filename - thunda3dm2.pk3
Author - Mick "Thunda" Billingsley
Email Address - **email removed**
Home Page - **invalid URL**
Description - Quake3: Arena Deathmatch level.
Date Published - Final Release Mar. 23 2001
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-= Play Information =-
Bot Play - Yes (.aas file included)
Deathmatch - Yes
Teamplay - Yes
Tourney - Yes
CTF - No
Player load - 2+
New Sounds - No
New Graphics - Yes
New Models - No

-= Installation =-
Extract the .pk3 file into your baseq3 directory in your
Quake3 folder.

-= Construction =-
Base - Pulled directly from my arse w/ Inspiration from id and others
Editors used - Q3Radiant, GTKRadiant
Utilities used - BSPC, notepad, curry
Known Bugs - None that I know of
Compile Machine - P2 450 / 128MB Ram / GeForce
Build Time - Compile approx 4 hours w/ Vlight

-= Credits =-

Richard "Shug" Singleton for item placement tweakage, mad mavica skillz,
Custom graphics and shaders, and tons and tons of playtesting...
Yo Let me win sometime ese....

Richard "Shug" Singleton, Gerry "Gman" Avila, Asif "Evil" Qureshy,
Ralph "Corpsegrinder" Chavez, James "Nob0dy" Ochoa, Albert "Pacino" Buentello,
And the rest of the guys at the ODAI Lunchtime Bloodfests...

id Software for Quake3: Arena,
anyone who has taken the time to downloaded this...

-= Copyright / Permissions =-
Any public servers may use this level, just tell me so I can show my friends
Authors MAY NOT (unless they have concent from myself)
use this level as a base to build additional levels.

You MAY distribute this level, provided you include this
file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file
in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) so long
as you make no profit from it and include this file intact.
