January 5th, 2001
Title : Reanimator
Filename :sdm6.pk3
Author : Patrick "SackMan" Krebs
E-mail : **email removed**
Description : Q3:A DeathMatch Level

*Build Information*

Theme: Hell
Construction Time: 1 1/2 weeks
Compile time: 19 min, 10 sec
Total Brushes: 2162
Spawn Points: 7
Power-Ups: None
Weapons: Shotgun, Rocket Launcher, Lightning Gun, Railgun, Grenade Launcher
Armor: Yellow Armor, Red Armor, Mega Health
Bot Enabled: Yes
Arena file: Yes (allows loading of the map from menu)

* Play Information *

Quake III v1.27 compatible.
For more information, visit **invalid URL**
Unzip the contents of to your Quake3\baseq3 folder
Run Quake III: Arena
Either select multiplayer, create, and choose sdm6 (at the end of the map list), or bring the console down and type (without the quotes):
"sv_pure 0"
"map sdm6"

...or to enable cheats type:
"devmap sdm6"

* Description *

Game type : Tournament
Player load: 2-5
Respawn spots : 7
New Sounds : No
New Graphics : No
Known issues : None

*About The Author *

Name: Patrick "SackMan" Krebs
E-mail: **email removed**

CCNA, MCP, Network+ Certified (MCSE cert. finishing up within the month). Possibly looking for work in the gaming industry as Level Designer or Network Guru. Proficient in all aspects of Win2k Server/Professional and Client/Server and TCP/IP operations.

Other maps include: Beatdown (sdm1): Q2
Pimpsmack (sdm2): Q2
High Karate (sdm3): Q2
Juggernaut (sdm4): Q3:A
Elysium (sdm5): Q3:A
Reanimator (sdm6): Q3:A

* Credits *

Aaron "Wreckognize" Richards
John "Lazarus" Cooke
Andrew "Dr. 3v17
The rest of the guys at All Things Cyber -**invalid URL**

* Copyright / Permissions *

Copyright (2000) by Patrick Krebs. All rights reserved.

This package may only be distributed by means of electronic transfer,
free of any charge to the recipient, and may not be modified in any way.
All the files included in the original package must remain intact and

This package may not be distributed on any CD-ROM, nor be
used on a commercial multi-player server without the prior,
explicit written consent of Patrick Krebs.

Thanks and enjoy,

-Mr. Krebs
**email removed**
