The Cockpit
January 30, 2001 [XPd]Hydra
Title : The Cockpit
MapFilename : HydraCockpit.bsp

Filenames : maps/HydraCockpit.bsp (mapfile)
maps/HydraCockpit.aas (botdata)
levelshots/HydraCockpit.bsp (levelshot)
scripts/HydraCockpit.arena (arena script)

Author : Dominic "Hydra" Clifton

Email Address : **email removed**

Web Site : **invalid URL**

Map Type : Deathmatch 2-4 players
Map description : A small gothic based indoor map for 1v1, FFA, Teamplay,
and just for the heck of it, CTF too :-)
The map is based on 16th century fighting arenas.

Notes : Inspiration came when I was watching the film "Rob Roy"
one night when I was on my snowboarding season holiday
in France, luckily I had my laptop with me so I set
about creating this little level for you all to enjoy.

Gameplay : It plays well with bots, who roam the whole level
quite happily. The gameplay is very standoff-ish which
is intended. The weapons were carefully chosen (LG, RL)
to bring this out even more. There is only just enough
health available which helps keep the players moving
around the level. The lack of LG ammo *IS* *INTENDED*.
I didn't design the map with CTF in mind, but it's
actually kinda fun :-)

Thanks to : id software, without you guys this would not exist
Special Thanks : IBM, for making a laptop that I can actually run Q3 on.


***** Construction *****

Base : New level from scratch
Editor used : GTKRadiant
Known Bugs : None. Please notify me if you find anything.
Build Time : 2 evenings.
Build Method: : BSP Fullvis (Light -extra)
Compile machine : P3 750 / 384MB RAM
Compile Times : BSP 3 secs; VIS 102 secs; LIGHT 851 secs


***** Usage *****

1. extract all files from the the zip file to your baseq3 directory
2. run Q3A and at the console type "/map HydraQ3Cockpit"
3. Enjoy!
4. E-Mail me if you liked it.


***** Copyright / Permissions *****

Quake III Arena is a registered trademark of id Software, Inc.

You may distribute this map FREELY via internet, provided you include this .TXT
file and leave the archive intact with no modifications. If you would like to use
this map in any other way, please contact me via e-mail. If you let me know and
give me a credit, I'll probably give you the permission to use it.
