I'd rather have a pitchfork in my brain
by Geit
Release date: 17/11/2000
Title : I'd rather have a pitchfork in my brain
Filename : ra3raw1.pk3/ra3raw1.zip
Author : Geit
Email Address : **email removed**
Uin : 8540475
Home Page : **invalid URL**
Description : A Multi-arena map with 3 rocket arena's and one clanarena.. Basestyle

ARENA I: Ridiculous Rooftop (1on1)
This is a small arena on a rooftop.. Don't fall off :)=-
ARENA II: Rainy Warehouse (1on1/2on2)
This is a medium-sized arena set in a warehouse filled with
crates.. These 'obstacles' make the gameplay in this map more
ARENA III: Crawlspace (1on1)
A small-sized arena.
ARENA IV: Storage Facility
This is the clanarena in this map which is fit for about 4 to 8 players..

Other maps by Author : Quake I:
Old QKC outpost (qkcout.zip/Qkcout.bsp)
GEIT's Arena (garena.zip/Garena.bsp)
QKC Mines (N/A)
Doomed Arena (da.zip/da.bsp)
Nails up your ass (nails.zip/Nails.bsp)
QKC Outpost (qkcop.zip/Qkcop.bsp)
GeitDm1 (geitdm1.zip/Geitdm1.bsp)
GeitDm2 (geitdm2a.zip/Geitdm2a.bsp)
Geitdm3 (geitdm3.zip/Geitdm3.bsp)
Geitdm4 (geitdm4.zip/Geitdm4.bsp)
Quake II:
Abandoned Warehouse (aban.zip/Aban.bsp)
Geitdm5 (geitdm5.zip/Geitdm5.bsp)
Geitdm6 (geitdm6.zip/Geitdm6.bsp)
Geitdm7 (geitdm7.zip/Geitdm7.bsp)
Geitdm8 (geitdm8.zip/Geitdm8.bsp)
Geitdm9 (geitdm9.zip/Geitdm9.bsp)
On the Rooftops (rooftops.zip/Rooftops.bsp)
Overnight (overnight.zip/overnight.bsp)

Additional Credits to : My clanmates @ Raw
- for helping me test the map
Sgt.Ghost and others at the MAHQ Forum
- For responding to my questions very fast, thanx :)=-


* Play Information *

Game : Quake ]I[
Gametype : Rocket Arena III

* Construction *

Base : New level from scratch
Editor(s) used : Q3radiant build 201
Known Bugs : None that I know of.. Mail me if you find any...
Build Time : around a week

Compile machine : celeron 433 with 224MB RAM
Compile Time : About 8 hours

Brushcount : 2532
Entitycount : 139

If you liked it mail me
If you hated it tell me how to maker a better one

* How to use this level *
Unzip overnight.pk3 into your arena\ directory
If you wish to view this map type the following:
/map ra3raw1
Make sure you are using Rocket Arena 3

* Where to get this map *
If you are reading this I presume you already have this map or are about to download
it.. But anyway.. You can get this map at the following adres:

**invalid URL**

* Copyright / Permissions *

- Authors may NOT change this level or use it as a base for their own levels.
- This map may be distributed in anyway you like, provided you include this
.txt files UNMODIFIED and distribute it without any sort of costs..
- CD-ROM publishers and other commercial people need my written permission before
they can distribute this level.
