Sin City
by Jon
Title : Sin City
Filename : sincity.pk3
Maps : sincity.bsp
Author : Jon (conversion from Rital map)
Email Address : **email removed**
home page : **invalid URL**
Description : Conversion of the second best sin map, and second best map period

1 ) Extract sincity.pk3 into your Quake3/baseq3/ directory
2 ) Start Quake3
3 ) The map is accessable from the menu and by going to the console(~) and typing map sincity

Sin was the best game ever and this a conversion of the second best map ever! Manyy thanks to ritual for such a great game and such good maps! (only some orginal textures were used because the quake3 ones with shaders look a little better)
BTW bots fully supported!

Base : sincity.bsp (from the game SiN)
Editor(s) used : q3radient
Build time : Don't know :)
Compile time : Overnight

* Copyright / Permissions *

As long as this map is not modified in anyway, go nuts with the textures and with putting it into paks.

