Place the included q3_q2dm1.pk3 in your "Quake III Arena\baseq3\" folder.
Start Q3 and drop down the console.
Type "\map q3_q2dm1" in the console, without the quotes, and that should do it :)
Can I use bots on this map? YES!!!!
Base for the level was ID's original Q2DM1. It was converted to a .map file using bspc's -bsp2map function. Never thought it would work on a Q2 level, but it did :) Textures and sounds were taken from the original that was floating around illegally during the Q3Test days. All weapons, items and ammo have been replaced appropriatly. Added curves, fog, misc_models and two jump-pads that make the level play slightly faster. I also increased the lift speeds.
Finko, do you have any other maps available?
Funny you should ask :) **invalid URL**
Currently only Q2 levels. Mostly single player and one DM level. Two Q3 levels to arrive shortly.
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